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why do I get the following message when debugging? Target unknown error 19 Error in initializing ST-LINK device.


i'm using stm32wb30, and when i try to debug a empty program with ST-LINK/V2 and i get the following message:

ST Employee

Hello @SLope.5​  and welcome to the Community ��,

Please refer to the article How to solve debugger connection issues ( may help you to solve you problem.

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ST Employee

Hello @SLope.5​ and welcome to the Community :)

Maybe that issue is linked to the ST-Link firmware version.

So, try to upgrade the ST-Link firmware version, then disconnect and connect your board.

Make sure to use the latest release of STM32CubeProgrammer and STM32CubeIDE.

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Hi, I have installed stm32 cube programmer and when i use ST-LINK/V2 (I have update the st link ) doesn't work but i tried to use NUCLEO-F091RC -> ST-LINK/V2-1 for debug the stm32 and works perfectly. I can also debbug a program in cubeide.

Could it be that this version of st-link is not compatible with this MCU? i may need the ST-LINK/V2-ISOL.

Thanks for your answers, Sergio.

What's the relationship between the NUCLEO and the ST-LINK/V2 here? You tried both separately.

The ST-LINK/V2 should be Ok, depends on the voltages, and that the VTarget needs to power the buffers within the ST-LINK/V2

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