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STM32WL55 dual core debug _ error 18 when debugging CM0+

Senior II


I have started to use stm32wl55 nucleo.

I try to debug a basic application.

I start by debugging CPU1 (CM4) than after booting CPU2 (CM0+) i run the debug for the second CPU.

But ST-LINK: Could not verify ST device!

error details :

Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to start GDB server

Failed to start GDB server

Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: (18) Could not verify ST device! Abort connection.

Any suggestion ?


Associate II


I am experiencing the same issue. I have updated to 1.11.0 hoping this would solve the problem but the same happens. There is no 1.8.0 on my system, before 1.9.0 there is 1.7.0.

Any suggestions?


Associate II


I have upgraded stm32cube to 1.11.2 now. I'm experiencing the same issue too.

Would you like to tell me when we will get this fix ?

Richard Lowe
Senior III

I have the same issue on the STM32H747I-Eval board. Does not validate the CM4 core. I'd also like to know when this is being resolved.

Screenshot from 2023-08-25 13-16-10.png

We are many releases past 1.9.0. As of today, 1.13, so where is the fix for this issue?


I am using STM32H745 and I am facing this issue and I have searched for any one who has a solution but I can't find any one.

I am using cube ide 1.14 and have the same issue

ANy one can help?

Associate III

I have the same issue with the STM32WL55 (on the NUCLEO-WL55JC). I added two debug configurations as per the video. I can run each configuration individually just fine. But starting both simultaneously doesn't work, I also get the error "Target unknown error 32" when starting the 2nd configuration, for the M0 core. I am sure the M0 application is running though, it can access/modify global variables while I'm debuggin the M4. I also tried starting the ST-LINK_gdbserver.exe manually for the M0 core, but I get the same error:


C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.14.1\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\bin> .\ST-LINK_gdbserver.exe -p 61237 -l 1 -d -t -s -cp C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.14.1\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\bin -m 1 -g --halt

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.6.0
Copyright (c) 2024, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:
        Persistent Mode            : Disabled
        Logging Level              : 1
        Listen Port Number         : 61237
        Status Refresh Delay       : 15s
        Verbose Mode               : Disabled
        SWD Debug                  : Enabled

ST-LINK device status: UNKNOWN
Waiting for debugger connection...
Shutting down...


The option -t is definitely passed to the M4's gdbserver. STM32CubeIDE is version 1.15.0. Is there any kind of workaround, perhaps by starting the tools manually? Using the stlink-server? Installing just the old GDB-Server without downgrading the entire IDE?

Associate II

Hey Guys,

I had the same issue. I just followed the steps in the readme of the dual core lorawan project I was working with. You need to set a break point after the function when you launch the CM4 debug:


This halts the CM4 and powers up the CM0+ to be operational and running. You can then launch the CM0+ configuration and you will see that the debugger gets connected. You can then resume CM4 and continue with dual core debugging.

Specific steps from the readme:

@par How to debug ?
  - Open your preferred toolchain and select CM4 project
  - define the flag DEBUGGER_ENABLED to 1 in CM4\Core\Inc\sys_conf.h
  - define the flag LOW_POWER_DISABLE to 1 at least on one MCU (CM4 or CM0PUS)
  - compile and download
  - put a breakpoint in sys_app.c one line after HAL_PWREx_ReleaseCore(PWR_CORE_CPU2);
  - run CM4 (the above functions sets PWR_CR4_C2BOOT flag)
  - open a second instance of your preferred toolchain and select CM0PLUS project
  - to debug CM0PLUS as well, define the flag DEBUGGER_ENABLED to 1 in CM0PLUS\Core\Inc\sys_conf.h
  - define the flag LOW_POWER_DISABLE to 1 at least on one MCU (CM4 or CM0PUS)
  - compile and download using "Download active application"
  - once CM0PLUS code is downloaded reset (system reset) the CM4
  - run CM4 to the breakpoint again
  - attach to running target CM0PLUS
         (CM0PLUS is in a while loop waiting CM4 to give green light to go further)
         (this is done to prevent CM0PLUS to execute too much code before attaching)
  - on CM4 execute MBMUXIF_SetCpusSynchroFlag(1); this will allow CM0PLUS to exit the while loop


Debug configuration and additional info in here:
Getting started with projects based on dual-core STM32WL microcontrollers ​​in STM32CubeIDE - Application note