2023-03-24 3:55 AM
we’re doing some research on LoRa tecnology to evaluate if it’s suitable for our products. We’re interested in STM32WLxx MCU, so we downloaded STM32CubeWL Firmware package from GitHub.
We are trying to understand the principle of working of some FW examples you provided in the package.
1. Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Applications\LoRaWAN\LoRaWAN_End_Node
AN5406 suggests that the example “measures battery level and CPU temperarature and send values periodically to the LoRa Network using LoRa radio class A�?. Looking at the readme.txt file in the example, this setup is shown:
So, the questions are:
· Once the firmware is flashed into the NUCLEO-WL55JC board, what is the best way to implement the LoRa network present in the example? Is it something already provided by ST or is it a third-party device?
· Does LoRa network device in the example represent LoRaWAN gateway? Is in general possible to implement a LoRaWAN gateway in a NUCLEO-WL55JC board?
· Is it possible to connect more than one LoRa Object devices to a LoRa Network one?
1. Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Applications\LoRaWAN\LoRaWAN_AT_Slave
From the LoRaWAN point of view, could we say that this example is the same of previous one? Does AT cmds interface need to configure the LoRaWAN device or it's also used to uplink/downlink data?
2023-03-24 6:12 AM
As I understand things, the "LoRa network" end requires a more-capable radio than is present on stm32wl55.
You need a "LoRaWAN Gateway".
The radio in a Gateway can simultaneously listen on all (3?) frequencies with all spreading-factors and coding-rates at the same time, such that an endNode can transmit whenever it has to.
But, depending on your application, you might not need a gateway.
If your intention is to link two devices, you could look at Applications\SubGHz_Phy_PingPong
If you want a simple "star" with several "sensor"s all reporting back to one "concentrator" look at Demonstrations\LocalNetwork
Hope this helps,