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I can't run or debug my CM0+ with NUCLEO-WL55JC1.

Associate II

I have no problem to flash or debug the CM4 of the board. But when I'm trying to flash the CM0+ this error occurred :

Error in final launch sequence:

Failed to start GDB server

Failed to start GDB server

Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: (255) Unknown. Please check power and cabling to target.

This informations are show on the consol :

STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.9.1

Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.

Starting server with the following options:

    Persistent Mode      : Disabled

    Logging Level       : 1

    Listen Port Number     : 61234

    Status Refresh Delay    : 15s

    Verbose Mode        : Disabled

    SWD Debug         : Enabled

Target unknown error 19

Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: Unknown. Please check power and cabling to target.

ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ ,

No problem. Unfortunately this won't be fix in V1.9 but it would be fix in the next release of the STM32Cube IDE. In the meantime please use V1.8 for dual core debugging.

Best regards

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