2019-10-01 1:30 PM
Does somebody have any application notes or some articles, that describes, how to run BLE example under STM32CubeIDE and debug it there?
Best regards,
2019-10-02 9:49 AM
I was able to build this https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/fp-sns-motenvwb1.html
The code seems good. But you can't open the MX and change anything without it breaking. See: Regenerating code for MOTENV1_IKS01A3_WB55RG example destroys project
2019-10-02 1:42 PM
Ok, thanks. But i have an issues with it as well. In general i cant get BLE working for now..... I have evaluation kit P-Nucleo-wb55. And custom board. And for now i cant find any example, that will allow me to see BLE device from my smartphone.
I have compiled this example and flashed co processor with stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin. Flashed example to the board (but sensors were not connected). Board still is not visible by BT.
Do you have any ideas?..
2019-10-02 2:00 PM
That app won't run the BLE unless the sensor board is plugged on. If the green LED flashes, you should have BLE.
2019-10-02 7:26 PM
Hello, excuse me from the side.
I posted it because it was very similar to the symptoms of my device and I wanted to sort out the situation.
1. Confirmed that it is possible to connect to ST BLE Sensor using application project [BLE_p2pServer].
2. On the other hand, when using the application project [MOTENV1], the device cannot be found in the [Connect to a device] menu of ST BLE Sensor.
・ The application project [MOTENV1] cannot be edited because the code capacity exceeds the upper limit.
・ Wireless stack has downloaded [stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_fw.bin]
・ ST BLE Sensor version is 4.4.4
I think I'm probably suffering from the same symptoms as you, so let's share wisdom and lead to a solution.
Thank you.
2019-10-04 2:48 PM
Hi, i slightly modified it and got it working without sensor board at EVK. Now i am trying to get it working at my custom board and i have an issues during co processor FW update.
When i am flashing FUS and FW file i am getting an error:
I am trying to make the same at EVK - (evk has FUS version 1.02) - FUS file was updated with same error, but when updating FW - no error at EVK.
My custom board MCU has FUS version 0.503 . and i am getting the errors both for FUS and for FW,
Any ideas?
2019-10-04 3:22 PM
I found how to fix it, now both boards works OK :)
2019-10-04 3:23 PM
to be honest I am not so deep to this yet... Cant say anything for now