Hi,i am building the code for STM32WB55. I have enabled "Convert to binary file (-O binary)" and "Convert to Intel Hex file (-O hex)".I got 2 files:-bin file - 402MByte size-hex file - 183kByteAs i can see, bin file has 62kByte of real data and rest ...
Hi,Does somebody have any application notes or some articles, that describes, how to run BLE example under STM32CubeIDE and debug it there?--Best regards,Sergii
Hi Ethan Huang,thanks a lot! Excellent =) ! Now i have OK binary as well! My linker scrip had no "NO LOAD" statement. I have added it and now file is 63kB
Hi,thanks for the answer - as i can see - hex is not continuous. I am not an expert in map files, can you please help with it? I have attached it--best regards,Sergii
Hi! I got same issue today. After removing old coprocessor FW i was not able to detect board by USB in DFU mode. I have custom board. Port LPUART was connected via USB-serial to the PC.I have removed FW without any issues:But after that - i was recei...