2017-05-03 2:42 AM
Does anyone have any experience with the current consumption when using B-L072Z-LRWAN1 (STM32L072 and LoRa board) with i-cube-lrwan 110?
I can't get the current consumption below below 1.1mA no matter what i try. In lowpower (stop) mode all pins are set as analog, clocks are disabled, debug is off.
- I checked the device going into STOP mode
- Configured all non-connected pins to GPIO_MODE_ANALOG, GPIO_NOPULL
- Configured connected pins (UART, etc.) to GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, GPIO_NOPULL, and set to zero
I also stopped the debug clock in the ARM:
HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGSleepMode( );
HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStopMode( );
HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStandbyMode( );
Also TCXO is Off.
Still the current consumption is above 1 mA.
Anyone out there that managed to get the current down?
#lora #b-l072z-lrwan1Solved! Go to Solution.
2017-05-22 1:34 AM
Thanks for all replies guys. I finally figured out TCXO was connected to vdd permanently instead of being connected to PA12. Correcting this brings the current consumption down to about 4 uA !!!
2017-05-22 3:10 AM
I solved my problem in changing the delay: &sharpdefine TCXO_OFF_DELAY 2. Thanks!
2017-05-22 3:38 AM
,Good to know that your problem is fixed. Thanks for sharing the solution!
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2017-06-21 8:27 PM
I am also testing with the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board.
Testing with I-CUBE-LRWAN (1.1.1), End Node sample
As shown in the code below, I entered the low power mode in the main loop.
When measuring the power consumption, it becomes 3mA.
If JP9 is connected to 1 or 2, it becomes 5mA.
while( 1 )
, {
, ,
// , lora_fsm( ),
, ,
, ,
, ,
// , if ( lora_getDeviceState( ) == DEVICE_STATE_SLEEP )
, ,
, ,
LowPower_Handler( ),
♯ endif
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
I'm sorry you said you were 4 uA in stop mode. ,
Could you pass the sample code?
Please give sample code to
2017-06-22 3:01 AM
,My code for entering the low power handler is exactly the same. This is the main.c that comes with the stack...
To get to the lowest power consumption mode using the B072, one should: - be absolutely sure TCXO is not connected to vdd but connected to PA12 (vdd_tcxo)- set all your defined (and unused) pins to analog before entering lowpower mode, and restore them after resuming from low power
- deinit all the perhiperals before entering lowpower, and init them again them upon resuming
- float the board e.g.: disconnect any st-link or other debuggers, also the onboard usb segger j-link
- run it from batteries and disconnect serial debug when doing the current measurements
Let me know how that works for you...
Regards, RG
2017-07-13 10:40 AM
I conected TX0 to PA12 and for some reazon it does not Join any more if i conect it to VDD it will conect imidiatly.
OTAADevEui= 32-37-38-31-4B-37-7F-03AppEui= 12-34-56-78-9A-BC-DE-FFAppKey= 12 34 56 78 9A BC DE FF 12 34 56 78 9A BC DE FFVERSION: 44021110
*** seqTx= 0 *****
TX on freq 903000000 Hz at DR 4it's 0:0:0:108 WU@ 0:0:1:108dzCal=0, 0it's 0:0:1:108 WU@ 0:0:2:108dzit's 0:0:2:108 WU@ 0:0:3:108dzit's 0:0:3:108 WU@ 0:0:3:117dzit's 0:0:3:125 WU@ 0:0:4:108dz*** seqTx= 0 *****
TX on freq 902300000 Hz at DR 4it's 0:0:4:152 WU@ 0:0:5:152dzit's 0:0:5:152 WU@ 0:0:6:152dzit's 0:0:6:152 WU@ 0:0:7:152dzit's 0:0:7:152 WU@ 0:0:7:162dzit's 0:0:7:170 WU@ 0:0:8:1522017-07-13 12:51 PM
Finaly solve it ,
Conected VDD_TCX0 to PA10
and changed ,mlm32l0xx_hw_conf.h
♯ define RADIO_TCXO_VCC_PIN GPIO_PIN_10And worked imidiatly PA12 might have some extra configuration that is missing.
2017-07-14 11:02 AM
The DISCO board has JP9 that should connect TCXO ON pin to VDD. There is the ability to use PA12 though it has commonality with USB, and there might be other solder-bridges or other things going on there. Within the code there is code to ON/OFF the TCXO, there is some dwell time after it starts, check that define/setting, and some timer code to turn it off.
The HAL_Delay/DelayMs code really needs a __WFI, not a __NOP
2017-09-05 11:55 PM
I have question regarding to this topic, maybe someone have any clue.
I'm using murata module and ICube-LRWAN software as a base.
To get more power from coin battery i'm using a circuit with big capacitors to save the battery from current peaks (from SX1276).
So I'm turning on/off VDD_RF and VDD_TCXO which corresponds to communication, but after first sended frame and turning VDD_RF off the SX1276 lost its configuration.
Do anyone have solution to it? Temporarly I use rejoining but its not power efficient and stable in 100%.
2017-11-22 9:18 AM
Clive One wrote:
The DISCO board has JP9 that should connect TCXO ON pin to VDD. There is the ability to use PA12 though it has commonality with USB
The problem seems to be that PA12 is powered from VDD_USB_LRA - so, if you have removed SB19, then PA12 does nothing.
So, to use PA12 to drive TXCO ON, you must:
SB19 intact;
or fit JP2.