2017-05-03 2:42 AM
Does anyone have any experience with the current consumption when using B-L072Z-LRWAN1 (STM32L072 and LoRa board) with i-cube-lrwan 110?
I can't get the current consumption below below 1.1mA no matter what i try. In lowpower (stop) mode all pins are set as analog, clocks are disabled, debug is off.
- I checked the device going into STOP mode
- Configured all non-connected pins to GPIO_MODE_ANALOG, GPIO_NOPULL
- Configured connected pins (UART, etc.) to GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP, GPIO_NOPULL, and set to zero
I also stopped the debug clock in the ARM:
HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGSleepMode( );
HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStopMode( );
HAL_DBGMCU_DisableDBGStandbyMode( );
Also TCXO is Off.
Still the current consumption is above 1 mA.
Anyone out there that managed to get the current down?
#lora #b-l072z-lrwan1Solved! Go to Solution.
2017-05-22 3:10 AM
I solved my problem in changing the delay: &sharpdefine TCXO_OFF_DELAY 2. Thanks!
2017-05-17 6:51 AM
I'm very interesting by the LoRa consumption using B-L072Z, I have the same problem.
I mesured the RF consumption of my LoRa module after adding the jumpers (
)My measure of Tx (38mA) and Rx (11mA) are ok, but in sleep mode my consumption is too big.
For the RF consumption in sleepmode, I find 1,1mA. My mesure of Tx and Rx are good, but in sleepmode my consumption is too big.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Max2017-05-18 1:06 AM
Have the same problem.
I'm using my custom board and the LoRa module same as in B-L072Z.. My current consumption during stop mode is 1.16mA.
So this is not a B-L072Z hardware problem. I suspect there is some bug in the code (I-CUBE-LRWAN) or hardware problem with LoRa murata module.
2017-05-18 9:20 AM
Hello All,
Referring to
, required setup for power consumption measurement is to have:Updates have to be made in hw_conf.h.
Is it the case for you?
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2017-05-18 10:40 AM
LEDs Off? Other things off the GPIO, USART, etc.
I suspect there is some bug in the code (I-CUBE-LRWAN)
Definately several of those...
2017-05-19 2:11 AM
I updated my code to deactivate DEBUG, TRACE and SENSOR ENABLED but I have always 1,16mA in sleep mode.
2017-05-19 2:39 AM
I have only LoRa module, SWD connector, 1 LED (controlled through GPIO) and vdd capacitor on test PCB.
Of course I made a test with disabling: sensors, debug, trace. I have tested the code in configuration with no HW activation, no LoRa initialization and going to
just after start of the program and still have got 1.16mA
2017-05-19 4:05 AM
It seems that TCXO is always enabled in you configuration. Please check JP9 setting: it should be in position 1-2 to have TCXO controlled by PA12.
JP3 is the one that allows you to measure IDD_MCU.
I suggest you to refer to
for more details.Please confirm if this helps you to reach the expected consumption.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2017-05-19 7:13 AM
With this configuration, the consumption in sleepmode seems to be ok but I can't join my gateway whereas with the JP9 in positon 2-3 I can, there is some modification that I should made?
Thanks in advance
2017-05-19 8:32 AM
I made some screen about my terminal windows in debug and trace with the same code but the JP9 in a different postion: