2018-01-31 10:15 AM
I have B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board from ST running I-CUBE-LRWAN software for LoRaWAN, and RHF0M301 gateway from RisingHF.
I am testing a class C and I have an issue in downlink, here is the scenario:
So, what is the reason of this problem? How can I solve it?
In my viewpoint, It could be caused by the gateway (no immediate transmit), or configurations in node.Best regards.
#lora #lorawanSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-02-06 12:25 PM
I found out my mistake and solved the problem.
I added a delay function in
OnTxNextPacketTimerEvent function for scheduling next packet transmissions. What is correct is to modify
TimerSetValue instead of modifying in other functions.
{ if( NextTx == true ) { PrepareTxFrame( ); NextTx = SendFrame( );}
if( ComplianceTest.Running == true ) { // Schedule next packet transmission as soon as possible TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer, 5000); /* 5s */ TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer ); } else if (LoRaParamInit->TxEvent == TX_ON_TIMER ) { // Schedule next packet transmission TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer,50000
); // add delay here TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer ); }DeviceState = DEVICE_STATE_SLEEP;
break; }2018-02-05 8:49 AM
I disabled Tx in node, and enabled only Rx. Then, I sent multiple downlinks and were received without any issue (except it takes almost 4 seconds till the action is executed, using default RX2 - SF 12)
Any ideas about the problem?
2018-02-05 9:22 AM
Any thought about my problem?
2018-02-05 10:45 AM
You should perhaps use the Semtech LoRa Calculator to determine the flight time of the data packet being sent.
There are a lot of delays in the LRWAN code, one needs to be wary of timeouts, and that the node isn't listening in TX and IDLE modes.
2018-02-05 1:54 PM
the software in the concentrator may not be top level.
Maybe you should try a different concentrator brand, not from china
'the time of flight' I calculated yesterday:
I use 9600 baud to send the packet to the module:
and then 2400 baud ' air rate'
time of flight = {Packet length} *10 / 9600; // 10 bits to a byte, transmit to module
time of flight += {Packet length} *12 / 2400; // 12 bits per byte, over the air. // includes bit stuffing
2018-02-06 8:11 AM
Not really in a position to analyze the problem further. You can better instrument the LRWAN code to understand the state it is in. The concentrator is a black box, you could change for a multitech or laird box which would likely have more robust and trustworthy firmware.
2018-02-06 12:25 PM
I found out my mistake and solved the problem.
I added a delay function in
OnTxNextPacketTimerEvent function for scheduling next packet transmissions. What is correct is to modify
TimerSetValue instead of modifying in other functions.
{ if( NextTx == true ) { PrepareTxFrame( ); NextTx = SendFrame( );}
if( ComplianceTest.Running == true ) { // Schedule next packet transmission as soon as possible TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer, 5000); /* 5s */ TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer ); } else if (LoRaParamInit->TxEvent == TX_ON_TIMER ) { // Schedule next packet transmission TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer,50000
); // add delay here TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer ); }DeviceState = DEVICE_STATE_SLEEP;
break; }2018-02-06 12:30 PM
I really appreciate your help and effort.
As I mentioned above, I did a mistake and solved it.
Now, I want send MAC commands from node. Any idea or reference code?
Also, I face another problems in the code, is there another place in ST where I get a support other than community?
Best regards.