2020-09-24 4:55 AM
platform: STM32L4R9ZI
Display: 320 * 360 (driver: RM69090)
I have setuped action(change screen) when entered startup screen, But it does not work.
No matter what action I setup , It does not work. What should I do to debug? Thanks very much.
2020-09-25 6:09 AM
Please provide more information such as screenshots and the steps you performed to arrive to your issue. Are you running into your issue on the board or on the simulator ?
2020-09-28 6:19 PM
Hello, My UI can run on the board(STM32L4R9AI Discovery) and simulator and the screen will change when entering the startup screen. But can't work on my own board, it only show the startup screen, but will not change to another screen.
2020-09-29 12:25 AM
This means that your TouchGFX implementation is not correct for your custom board.
If you create an interaction triggered by a button click instead, is it working ?
Have you tried to debug and see if it hangs somewhere ?
Please check your TouchGFXHAL.cpp file and see if the FlushFramebuffer() is correctly called. You can also verify that the frame is rendered correctly by putting some breakpoints in beginFrame() and endFrame(). Also, do you receive the Tearing Effect interrupt correctly ?
You can compare with the L4R9-DISCO that you have to spot the differences.
2023-10-08 7:51 AM
Hi Billy,
For days I am looking for this driver. Is it available as open-source somewhere?
Your advice wwouldbe greatly appreciated.