2020-05-01 10:51 AM
I am working on below setup:
Software Tool Chain:
STM32CubeMX 5.6.0
TouchGFX 4.13.0 Designer
STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0
STM32F746G Discovery Kit v3.0.1 (AT)
STM32F746G-DISCO (Discovery Board)
USB Mass Storage Drive (32 GB)
I have worked on LED, BUTTON , ADC, External Interrupts, UART with TouchGFX Buttons and TextArea Wildcard.
Now, I have to send USB Files Names to Scroll List Elements.
For Simplicity As for now , I have created in 2D Array and Send One by one with FreeRTOS Queue .
char TxBuffer[5][MaxElementsPerQueue]= {"LIST", "HELLO", "TouchGFX", "STM32F7", "SCROLL"};
if(pdTRUE == xQueueSend(USBTxTaskHandle,TxBuffer[i],(TickType_t)100 ) )
Same ways receiving in Model.c
void Model::tick()
if(pdTRUE == xQueueReceive(USBRxTaskHandle,RxBuffer[i],(TickType_t)100
void Model::USBRx(char temp_RxBuffer[] )
modelListener-> USBRx(temp_RxBuffer);
But Getting Error .. As below :
void Screen1Presenter::USBRx(char temp_RxBuffer[] )
// view.USBRx(temp_RxBuffer) ; // Error
touchgfx_printf("View \n");
Is it right way ? Is there any application note or example for that .. ?
C++ Issue?
I have seen link as below:
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-05-03 12:36 AM
Hi @Community member ,
Are you trying to ask how to update the list with, say a text string ?
If so, then you need to look into the API of the ScrollList. Your list consists of a custom container that has string elements. Try to set these string elements using the ScrollList object your code has created - I feel this should work.
2020-05-01 11:09 PM
Hi @Community member ,
You have not specified what error you get. Further, I find that you are creating & terminating thread for Tx & Rx. Normally, that is not a good practice when you use an RTOS. You can block these 2 tasks, waiting for an event & let them be in the memory. In the long run creation/termination can lead to run-time memory issues.
As regards your error, can you share more information about it ?
2020-05-01 11:37 PM
@Jagdish Bisawa (Community Member)
Please check the screen short for error ..
Apart from termination , Is is right way to move array information ?
2020-05-02 3:49 AM
Hi @Community member ,
The error shown by you is a compile time error reported during the linker stage. This error means that the function USBRx(char*) has not been defined, i.e., the body of the function is missing. You need to define the body of the function in the .cpp file.
Regarding the thread termination, I suggest that you get familiar with RTOS workings. What I meant was that you can have USBTX & USBTx threads which will pass on the data using the queue & when they are done they can be blocked waiting for a semaphore. I am assuming that the USBTx thread will transmit data out of the USB port ( after receiving it from the GUI or another thread in the system ) & the USBRx thread will receive data from the USB port & send it further into the GUI framework.
2020-05-02 10:10 AM
Thanks for pointing out error and it resolved now.
OK .. I am also working on RTOS to get more familiar .
Yes , Your assumption is Right
1) USBTX - > Read Files Names from USB Thumb Drive Send with help of Queue in StartTaskUSBTx.
2) USBRX - > Read Files Names Queue from StartTaskUSBTx in Model.c , then to Presenter to View for Final Display GUI Framwork.
I have worked on
LED, Hardware BUTTON , External Interrupts -> TextArea Wildcard with Queue
ADC, UART with TouchGFX Buttons and -> TextArea Wildcard with Semaphore
How to update Array Value for List Element is New for me .
void Screen1View::USBRx(char temp_RxBuffer[] )
// How to Update Here..
Am I do Correct Configuration for Scroll List in TouchGFX Framework.?
How to Update Here. in List Layout ?
2020-05-03 12:36 AM
Hi @Community member ,
Are you trying to ask how to update the list with, say a text string ?
If so, then you need to look into the API of the ScrollList. Your list consists of a custom container that has string elements. Try to set these string elements using the ScrollList object your code has created - I feel this should work.
2020-05-03 1:41 AM
@Jagdish Bisawa (Community Member) Thanks for update..
Yes , I want to Update "NEW TEXT 00" with
char TxBuffer[5][MaxElementsPerQueue]= {"LIST", "HELLO", "TouchGFX", "STM32F7", "SCROLL"};
ln Screen1ViewBase.cpp .
void Screen1ViewBase::buttonCallbackHandler(const touchgfx::AbstractButton& src)
if (&src == &ledCtrlBtn)
//When ledCtrlBtn clicked call virtual function
//Call updateLEDState
void Screen1ViewBase::updateItemCallbackHandler(touchgfx::DrawableListItemsInterface* items, int16_t containerIndex, int16_t itemIndex)
if (items == &scrollList1ListItems)
touchgfx::Drawable* d = items->getDrawable(containerIndex);
MenuElement* cc = (MenuElement*)d;
scrollList1UpdateItem(*cc, itemIndex);
ln Screen1ViewBase.hpp .
virtual void scrollList1UpdateItem(MenuElement& item, int16_t itemIndex)
// Override and implement this function in Screen1
I think I have to use concrete version of scrollList1UpdateItem in Screen1View.cpp.
void Screen1View::USBRx(char temp_RxBuffer[] )
// How to Update Here..
// scrollList1UpdateItem(MenuElement& item, int16_t itemIndex) ??
But could not find how to use here in
Am I right ? or any there API .
Thanks again ..
2020-05-03 11:41 AM
Anybody have some idea ?
2020-05-04 12:05 PM
I am able to update "number" as per below tutorial
But still unable to update array .Also could not find any tutorials for that...
Please update if anybody have some idea.