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TouchGFX Designer 4.15.0 Examples not running on STM32H7B4 Discovery Kit

Associate III


I'm trying to build and run the examples from TouchGFX Designer 4.15.0 on the STM32H7B3 Discovery kit and all I'm getting is a blank screen.

  1. The programming appears to be working (prior to flashing there is a working application is in the device which no longer runs after flashing).
  2. The example applications run in the simulator.
  3. I've tried a number of the example applications including, most recently, the button example with the up/down buttons to increase/decrease a number in a text box which doesn't work.
  4. If I create and compile an example straight out of STMCubeIDE 1.4.0 (instead of TouchGFX Designer) and program it with STMCubePRogrammer 2.5.0 it runs without issue.
  5. I have selected the correct board and example when creating the project.
  6. I have tried both directly using the Run Target button and also Generate Code followed by Run Target.
  7. When using Run Target the progress indicator on the bottom bar seems to be doing everything I would expect including compilation and programming.

So I guess the basic question is should I be able to create, compile, program and run the examples directly out of TouchGFX Designer without (manually) opening any of the other applications?

If yes is there something I should check in TouchGFX settings or on the board to mmake this work or is it a bug in TouchGFX Designer?

Edit: Possibly it is not programming correctly though there is no indication of this in the detailed (Alt-L) log in TouchGFX Designer attempting to program the target.hex using STMCube32PRogrammer outputs the following:

08:42:35 : Opening and parsing file: target.hex

08:42:35 : File : target.hex

08:42:35 : Size : 2458468 Bytes

08:42:35 : Address : 0x08000000 

08:42:35 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:

08:42:35 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 21]

08:42:35 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 1:

08:42:35 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 2:

08:42:35 : Download in Progress:

08:42:37 : Error: failed to download Segment[2]

08:42:37 : Error: failed to download the File

08:42:37 : RUNNING Program ... 

08:42:37 : Address: : 0x08000000

Looking at the Write protection flags in the Option Bytes they are all ticked which indicates not active.


Accepted Solutions
Alexandre RENOUX

The new version of the H7B3-DK AT is now online. It's the v3.0.3.

Can you select it along with a UI example, run target and tell us if it's working for you ?


View solution in original post

Alexandre RENOUX


The issue with the H7B3-DK Application Template is known by the development team. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience,


Associate III

Thanks for letting me know, is there any ETA? Is there anywhere I can get a notification (here or by subscribing somewhere else)? Does it work with an older version, if so can you tell mw which version? Thanks, Martin.

Alexandre RENOUX

I will come back to you on this thread when I know the fix is online.


Alexandre RENOUX

The new version of the H7B3-DK AT is now online. It's the v3.0.3.

Can you select it along with a UI example, run target and tell us if it's working for you ?


Associate III

Yes I'll try it. Yesterday I was trying older versions, uninstalled them all, redownloaded v4.15.0 and installed that and it seems to be working for me. So possibly I downloaded it already how do I determine which AT version I have?

Associate III

Nevermind I see the version in the info for the template I have v3.0.3 and can confirm it is now working, thanks Martin.