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Struggling with TouchGFX Generated Code Building on STM32Cube IDE.

Karan 123


I am struggling Struggling with TouchGFX Generated Code Building on STM32Cube IDE.

I am working on below setup:

Software Tool Chain:

STM32CubeMX 5.6.0

TouchGFX 4.13.0 Designer

STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0


STM32F746G-DISCO (Discovery Board)

I have created GUI on TouchGFX 4.13.0. worked fine on simulator and Discovery Board as well.

I am doing as below :

Open TouchGFX:

1. File->New

2. Select Application Template STM32F746G Discovery Kit

3. Select UI Template -> Blank UI

4. Name the project TestHardware and Click Create

5. Add a Red box that fills with rectangle and the entire canvas.

6. Add a button that I can click

7. Click Generate Code

8. Click Run Target

This does work, and I get the desired Red box and single button that I can click.

When I am trying to Open In STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 and Import as per below:


Binary File Created in Too Large ..

1) STM32F746G_DISCO.bin        2.12 GB

STM32F746G_DISCO.elf         239 KB

STM32F746G_DISCO.hex         99 KB

2) STM32CubeIDE Debugger Error !!

(Read) Failed determine breakpoint type

Error ! Failed to read target status

Debugger connection lost.

Shutting down . . .

3) STM32CubeProgrammer 2.4.0 also have Error while programming .But The TouchGFX Generated File works Well.

4) Changing the STM32F746NGHx_FLASH.ld (from Repository Demo of specific board ) reduce the file size to 35KB . But Code did not work on target either Debug Mode receive error at mention 2) nor the STM32CubeProgrammer/ST-Link.

Is this is Bug or I am using something wrong. ? Please advice me ..

Thanks in advance



Alexandre RENOUX


As Martin KJELDSEN already explained previously : ".bin files will be huge because they're covering memory area all the way up to external flash 0x90000000. That's a lot of 0s !"

You can also find the explanation on the following thread :

What is your current status ?


Karan 123


@Alexandre RENOUX​ 

Thanks for link..

What is your current status ?

Same .. Approximately 2GB.

Is It Bug or What ? Is there any need to resolve that or not?





Alexandre RENOUX

No it's not a bug. It's normal. You shouldn't use the .bin file.

The only interesting files are .elf file and .hex file to download you project into your board.

You can remove the generation of the .bin file by unchecking the option in the project settings.



Thanks to you...

Karan 123

Thanks for your time .. and New Application Template STM32F746G Discovery Kit v3.0.1