2019-03-01 4:16 AM
Is there anywhere an Application Template available for this platform with the RGB TFT screen ?
Or any informations on how to do it, as it was asked here :
Display is the same as on the F746G-Discovery so it should be easy to adapt template from the F7 board. But I'm not able to find the place where already available Application Templates are provided ? Is it possible to get the well-formed archive somewhere locally when connecting to the remote server ?
Ideally, this Application Template should generate an ioc file to STM32CubeMX, same as with the F7 board. With this file, we can then adapt the project to build with TrueStudio and/or SW4STM32 (done sucessfully on the F746 with some manual changes)
2019-03-01 4:55 AM
There are examples under the HAL trees which bring up the screen and other peripherals. Those can be used as donor projects that can be cloned.
There should be better templates, and a prime example of where automated tools should be able to assemble usable boilerplate code.
I thought CubeMX had some maximal output modes by selecting the EVAL or DISCO boards as targets.
2019-03-01 4:56 AM
Hi. Maybe this will help,
a) launch the TouchGFX 4.10.0 tool as a stand alone
b) select the F746G-Discovery target
c) Select the v2.0.0 template
d) proceed to create some simple gui -> Generate code -> test with simulator
e) if the above works, review the source code -> lower right corner of the TouchGFX tool will allow for the viewing of the generated code folders
You should be able to view the TouchGFX v2.0.0 generated template here. It is in ASCII format.
Hope this helps.
2019-03-01 6:07 AM
Of course these HAL projects are usefull but the idea is to always have a starting point from CubeMX (ioc is shared with hardware guys for pinout/configuration)
As integration of TouchGFX is not available for L4+ series in MX, I'm trying to find a solution by merging 2 projects : one starting from MX and another one starting from GFX Designer (works on F746 with some manual changes, already mentionned in other posts). But, in Designer there is no another application template for L4 than those with round screen. So I don't get the right files generated in CPP part (for example DSI interface where I would have a DPI one).
If my comprehension of https://touchgfx.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002741432-Create-custom-Application-Template is good, it's possible to create an Application Template corresponding. What I am looking for is the Application Template definitions files for F746 disco and L4R9 with round screen boards to be able to write my own for the L4R9 + TFT 480x272 board. But if understand well, we can't specify the generation of an ioc in this Application Template. But at least, I would like be able to generate a eclipse based (SW4STM32/Trustudio) project from the designer.
2019-03-01 6:12 AM
@Pascal , perhaps the following will help:
Courtesy of @Du.
Granted the resolution is different but may help for your target kit.
As stated earlier, the search engine on this forum is a MESS.
2019-03-01 6:13 AM
What I am looking for is to be able to add my own template selectable at your b) step. So I'm trying to understand the provided templates to write my own.
In generated files, which specific file do you mean when you say "It is in ASCII format" ?
2019-03-01 6:26 AM
Thanks but in fact I don't need help on adapting TGFX to a new display as this display is already supported on the F746 disco.
When looking in sources provided with TGFX for the L4R9 the RGB screen is supported. What is missing is only the template to package everything right.
Best would be an official Application Template provided by ST/Graupner as this display is provided in the STM32L4R9I-EVAL kit...
2019-03-04 2:49 PM
I have an unofficial STM32L4R9-DISCO project with the 480x272 LCD you can get some inspiratipon from if it's of any interest.
2019-03-05 8:34 AM
Sure ! I would greatly appreciate this projet as a starting point, even if it's unofficial. Thanks for your help.
2019-03-06 6:17 AM
Of course, it will be usefull ! Where can we get this project ?