2017-05-01 6:36 PM
I had this previous set up of STM32F4 + ILI9341 8 bit interface + STemWin - but that did not work for me after trying out for sometime (ref :
)Since actually I want my final project on L4 due to its low power feature, I thought let me use that and make that set up work with STemWin. So now I have Nucleo-L476RG + TFT LCD display with ILI9341. I am actually using GPIOB port as 16bit parallel port to write to display and other port pins for controls (WR, RD, CS, RST, RS). This set up works perfectly fine - I can fill the screen with colors.
Now to use STemWin - I moved these base functions to LCDConf.c - I have attached copy with this. Along with other files included into my project and with CRC enabled, after building and running the project, nothing shows up on the screen. Single stepping in debug mode, I found that when calling GUI_Init() it goes through functions LCD_X_Config(), LCD_X_DisplayDriver() and also does LCDInit(), but then it gets lost.. Anyone facing similar issue? I really need to get this setup working - any suggestion or pointer will be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance..
#16-bit-parallel-mode #stml4 #ili9341 #stemwin2017-05-01 8:50 PM
static void LcdWriteDataMultiple(U16 * pData, int NumItems) {
while (NumItems--) { // need to decrement otherwise will be stuck in loop forever // ... TBD by user LcdWriteData((uint16_t)*pData++) ; }}2017-05-02 10:42 AM
Thank you so much Clive One
I updated the code and tried running on the board, now at least the program execution runs fine - I have an LED blinky code on timer interrupt, the LED does blink at the timer interval. But it seems that the following STemWin code lines have no effect on the screen.
GUI_Clear(); GUI_SetBkColor(Red);I am looking further using the oscilloscope and will try figure out..
2017-05-03 5:21 AM
Hi Silas,
I have
Nucleo-L476RG and
am trying to use ILI9341 8 or 16 bit and STemWin library. I could not getting any progress. Can you help me for that? Maybe you can share with me a code or STM32CubeMX file?Thanks...
2017-05-03 8:20 AM
You can refer to
Getting started with STemWin Library and
I recommend you to run and have a look to the Stemwin example available in the STM32CubeL4 at this path:STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.7.0\Projects\STM32L476G_EVAL\Applications\STemWin
Thismay be helpful as a starting point.
Be sure to enable theCRC before usingany STemWin function or calling GUI_Init, if not STemWin will be not function.
2017-05-03 9:18 AM
Hi Imen,
Thank you for reply. I looked that example but STemWin functions uses IO functions. I have SPI interface to TFT and I can not connect it. When I look IO functions example uses FMC peripheral I have STM32L476RGT thats mean I can not use FMC peripheral. Can you help me for that?
2017-05-03 9:02 PM
Hi A Saki,
Your setup will use SPI comm link to LCD controller, that will be MOSI, MISO, SCK + GPIO_RST, GPIO_CS, GPIO_RS - these can be configured in STMCubeMX for whichever L4 device you are using. You can check the following Segger page:
- this shows all the details on how to implement this type of setup. You need to basically implement few functions using SPI - _LCDInit(), _LCDWriteA0 (write to register - when RS is low), _LCDWriteA1 (write to mem - when RS is high), _LCDwriteMA0 (write multiple). With higher SPI speed you may get better screen refresh times, I believe, I have not tested that setup with STML4 - but have done using other microcontrollers. But principally it is all similar implementation. Hope this helps..happy coding!
2017-05-05 2:30 PM
When I read your message first I thought you tried and did something. I will try thanks...
2017-05-07 12:16 AM
Here is the update:
With my set up of using the port as 16bit bus read/write, I was having some issue on reading the port - by using simply GPIOB-->IDR, and I know the reason - need to configure port as 'input' when reading, and as 'output' when writing, and since these instructions are not 'atomic' when using the GPIO lib functions, it was kind of slow.
So I again went back to using FSMC. But the
board Nucleo F412ZG would not allow me to use 16bit FSMC since on the port pins PD9 and PD8 STLK_TX STLK_RX are assigned, I unsoldered the bridges on the board to disconnect PD9 and PD8 so that these would be available for 16bit FSMC. Then I configured the project to use CRC, FSMC, TIM6, other control pins like LCD_RST and LCD_BKLT, and then tested the LCDInit, LCDWriteReg, LCDWriteData, LCDReadData functions and tested the set up was working fine with filling screen with colors. And then finally integrate the STemWin lib into the project.
At this point I can see that the GUI_Init() gives me black / dark screen - then when using the following lines, I see the red color characters 'Hello World'
GUI_Clear(); GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Font20_1); GUI_SetColor(GUI_RED); GUI_DispString('Hello world!');Now to the next step: I need to get all GUI screen with widgets
thanks all for the help
2017-05-07 2:18 AM
Hi A Saki,
I will send you some sample code - let me know how far you have gone..