2019-08-29 12:22 AM
I'm working with the stm32h750 eval board and touchgfx, my GUI is ready, but now i need to conect to some hardware (relay, sensors etc). i usually work with keil, but touchgfx not generating keil project and i lost hope it will before my dead-end; so i moved to IAR, which is generated, but not working, seems to me all options for the generated project are wrong, after many attempt (some random, some *** grano salis) i was able to compile a project, but still not able to load it into board (IAR starts to load project, and keeps going forever, no error, nothing, and i waited 40 min to see if it will eventually unstuck and load the code)
any advice/guide/working example to load touchGFX project from IAR?
2019-08-29 5:09 AM
The code not loading into target most of the time, means that your project's options are wrong, especially debugger/ST-LINK options.
2019-08-29 5:18 AM
I would check IARs documentation, especially about the state of H7 support of their toolchain.
Flash/debug support and Flash loaders are the next thing to check.
Perhaps contacting IAR. They don't seem to have their own forum, though.
Working with IAR WB for Cortex M3/M4 MCUs myself (V7.30), never had such issues.
2019-08-29 5:24 AM
Presumably here a crap-tonne of data is being downloaded on to an external QSPI memory over the JTAG link.
Using a fast debug pod with USB 2.0 HS connection?
2019-09-06 2:37 AM
How did you create this project? TouchGFX designer only has a complete package for H750-DISCO. Maybe you adapted an application based on that?