2019-08-30 3:14 AM
I have a question about the TouchGFX - scalable image.
I succeeded to see the screen of TouchGFX.
Here is my hardware:
I could see some of simple touchgfx gui.
But If I add "scalable image", It is stuck in HardFault_Handler().
I used an png image and it's size is about 24 Kbyte.
I cannot find any reason for this problem.
Can you help about this problem??
2019-09-02 12:42 AM
Hi @TKim.11,
Is this only if you add a scaleable image? What about other types of widgets?
2019-09-05 5:47 PM
Hi Martin,
Thanks for your reply.
The scalable image is the only one that I added to screen.
2019-09-05 11:37 PM
There are no additional memory requirements. Try increasing the stack size of your UI Task. Did you do any debugging on this?