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STM32H735G-DK uSD not working properly

vdi c.2
Associate II

Dear All,

I'm developing a data acquisition system using a STM32H735G-DK. I'm using Cube IDE and a project generated with CubeMX. I also use touchGFX for the diplay user interface.

I managed to do all the acquisition and post ptocessing part on the MCU but when I started to save the data on the uSD the problems started. To test the ardware I used the uSD example provided in CubeMX and everything was working fine then I tried to follow the tutorial provided by ST on youtube named "STM32 – Creating a File System on a SD card" (sorry but I can not add links here)

to implement the uSD functionalities in my existing project. I tried many time also with the help of the forum but it seems that some of the functions that are used in the tutorial are not anymore presents in the new version of FreeRTOS and even trying to use the the functions used by the ST example (working as standalone) I found no way to use the uSD with my STM32H735G-DK, it seems that it is not even able to mount the filesystem and format the SD even if everything was configured according to tutorial.

Did some of you manage to use the uSD in a project developed for this board ?

Do you have any hint to make it working ?

Thanks a lot for your time and if you need other info to give me some pieces of advice please let me know.

ST Employee

Hello vdi c.2

Have you looked to the SD examples in FW packs (provided when you download STM32CubeMX). I think you could maybe use it since it describes how to save data on a SD.

You can find it here : C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.10.0\Projects\STM32H735G-DK\Examples\SD\SD_ReadWrite_IT


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX
vdi c.2
Associate II

Hi Oskt,

First of all thanks a lot for you answer.

Actually I tried the example you suggested and it works standalone If I tstart to have trubbles. I think there are different version of the libraries/ FreeRTOS that do not allow me to use the same functions called by the example in my project. I tried to fix it by hand adding manually the missing libraried but witouth success. Did you ever experienced something like this ?

ST Employee

Hello vdic.2,

No I didn't, these examples are made by another team than ours and I don't really use them a lot. So unfortunately I can't be a big help on this, sorry.


ST Software Developer | TouchGFX