2019-12-18 11:09 AM
I turn on the periphery in defaukt Mode. I add TouchGX, Display Parallel Interface, I set LSD Reset Pin on PI12. I set TouchGFX. I design in TouchGFX Designer. I generate the code, save and leave TouchGFX. I generate code in CubeMX. There are errors after compilation. Why?
2019-12-20 4:08 AM
After compilation, an error is reported in the subdir.mk file: @echo 'Building file: $ <' How to correct it?
2019-12-20 4:28 AM
Let me tag @Mon2 and @Clark Sann who wrote that guide.
I don't have anymore time today and i'll be taking a break from community until i'm back from seasonal holiday. I may check in once in a while.
2019-12-20 4:29 AM
maybe have a look at this video:
It should walk you through the whole process of setting everything up correctly
2019-12-20 4:57 AM
Hi @Martin and @Andrzej Dębski . The referenced document was written and tested to be working with the noted target kit by Clark Sann. However, this status is from earlier this year. Believe he is monitoring the website but please note that I have been a bit out of the loop on the latest state of these tool chains. Hope to play catch up real soon for some pending interest for a GUI product - perhaps over these holidays.
@Andrzej Dębski , can you post your project that raises the issues? Also full details on the compiler and related tool versions will be of help. Perhaps can test the same over the next few days.
Happy holidays to all!
2019-12-20 6:33 AM
I understand. Thank you in the meantime. Once again I will try to do the same on SW4STM32. If it will be the same, I will switch to STM32IDE and check it according to the movie on YouTube. Happy rest.
2019-12-20 6:39 AM
Generally, and going forward, we won't be supporting toolchains like SW4STM32 (AC6) and TrueSTUDIO. we're targeting CubeIDE specifically, but since they're all Eclipse based it may work for others - But it's not something we test for specifically.
2019-12-20 6:44 AM
Thank you for this remark. I know where I stand. I worked on Segger but I came to the conclusion that TouchGFX visually gives a better effect.