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STM32CubeIDE & TouchGFX Configuration on 32F469IDISCOVERY

Associate II


I have followed this guide for the F7 to help setup an equivalent environment for the 32F469IDISCOVERY

However I don't know which pin to select for the LCD reset and which protocol option to use:


Can anyone please advice?



Associate III

hi the 32F469IDISCOVERY use serial dsi host lcd

and i think the reset pin is j15

(the parallel options is usually for rgb screens )

Hi, Thanks for the advice the only pins available in the IDE for the LCD reset are:

PB2, PD4, PD5, PE2, PE3, PG6, PH7, PK3, PB0, PA3

Which of these if any map to J15?

sorry I got confused between the 32F469IDISCOVERY  to 32F769IDISCOVERY  in the f7 its j15.

and it seems that pin is PB0 because all the others are audio,leds,etc ..

good luck

Associate II

Following the help so far I have set the display connection protocol to serial and assigned PB0 as the reset pin. I have been able to compile and build an image. I have loaded the image on the board using STM-LINK all good so far. When the debugger takes over the four LEDS light but the display is blank. Now I've placed a break point in the TouchGfx code on the Screen1ViewBase::Screen1ViewBase() constructor but the breakpoint is not being triggered.

My question is how does the TouchGfx code get called from main?

Following the help so far I have set the display connection protocol to serial and assigned PB0 as the reset pin. I have been able to compile and build an image. I have loaded the image on the board using STM-LINK all good so far. When the debugger takes over the four LEDS light but the display is blank. Now I've placed a break point in the TouchGfx code on the Screen1ViewBase::Screen1ViewBase() constructor but the breakpoint is not being triggered.

My question is how does the TouchGfx code get called from main?

Associate II

This might be useful for others I have been able to put together a working CubeIDE STM32F469I-DISCO LCD and touch solution. Had to modify quite alot of the hal auto generated code.

I got Error How can i resolve it

../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp: In member function 'virtual void OTM8009TouchController::init()':

../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp:19:5: error: 'BSP_TS_Init' was not declared in this scope

   BSP_TS_Init(LCD_GetXSize(), LCD_GetYSize());


../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp: In member function 'virtual bool OTM8009TouchController::sampleTouch(int32_t&, int32_t&)':

../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp:27:5: error: 'TS_StateTypeDef' was not declared in this scope

   TS_StateTypeDef state;


../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp:28:24: error: 'state' was not declared in this scope



../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp:28:24: note: suggested alternative: 'static'




../Src/OTM8009TouchController.cpp:28:7: error: 'BSP_TS_GetState' was not declared in this scope



make: *** [Src/ Src/OTM8009TouchController.o] Error 1

make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

"make -j4 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.

11:30:54 Build Failed. 6 errors, 1 warnings. (took 4s.613ms)

Couple of things to check first does your project contain the following source items.


Secondly I noticed your make command was 'make -j4 all' I'm using 'make -j12 all' also what version of make are you using?

I am Using


Version: 1.0.1

Build: 3139_20190612-1256 (UTC)

The Make is build in . How can i change that one.

My Files
