2020-12-11 10:11 AM
So I'm new to this development. I have STM32H7B3I-DK and need to connect to wifi/Internet and grab some data. I've experimented with TouchGFX Designer and there are templates that I like, especially the lens widget. Here are my questions:
Thank you!!
**FYI; I'm running TouchGRX 4.15.0, CubeIDE 1.5.0, CubeProgrammer 2.5
2021-01-09 10:08 AM
Hello @TCygan ,
You can follow the TouchGFX getting started and create your project from TouchGFX Designer with the right application template, then launch STM32CubeIDE and open the project generated (in the directory C:\TouchGFXProjects)
You have also the TouchGFX tutorials and TouchGFX MOOC to start your project,