2020-06-16 6:57 AM
Run Simulator
Copy Framework
Copying TouchGFX framework version 4.13.0 to C:\TouchGFXProjects\MyApplication\Middlewares\ST\touchgfx
Wrote config/gcc/app.mk
Wrote config/msvs/Application.props
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendApplicationBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendHeapBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/SimConstants.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/main_screen/MainViewBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/common/FrontendApplicationBase.cpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/main_screen/MainViewBase.cpp
Wrote generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile
Wrote generated/simulator/include/simulator/mainBase.hpp
Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx.props
Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx_prebuild.targets
Wrote generated/simulator/msvs/touchgfx_sdl2.props
Wrote generated/simulator/src/mainBase.cpp
Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.ico
Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.rc
Wrote generated/simulator/touchgfx.res
Wrote simulator/gcc/Makefile
Wrote simulator/main.cpp
Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.sln
Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj
Wrote simulator/msvs/Application.vcxproj.filters
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
Writing generated/images/src/bg.cpp
Writing generated/images/src/radio_button_selected.cpp
Writing generated/images/src/radio_button_selected_pressed.cpp
Writing generated/images/src/radio_button_unselected.cpp
Writing generated/images/src/radio_button_unselected_pressed.cpp
Writing generated/images/include/BitmapDatabase.hpp
Writing generated/images/src/BitmapDatabase.cpp
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
an error occurred in converting texts:
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
make[1]: *** [texts] Error 1
Cleaning generated files from generated/texts and generated/fonts.
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:219: recipe for target 'texts' failed
simulator/gcc/Makefile:32: recipe for target 'assets' failed
make: *** [assets] Error 2
2020-06-16 8:13 AM
From what I can see, it looks like you have a conversion issue. This is the following debug lines that are important :
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
an error occurred in converting texts:
What kind of text do you want to display ?
First try to remove the TextArea (if it is one) you are using and see if you still have the error.
Please when you create a post for one of your issues, give some background on what you are doing such as what kind of GUI you are trying to make, (if any) what board are you using, what version of TouchGFX, etc. This will help us answering you more accurately.
2020-06-16 9:42 AM
I'm using TouchGFX 4.13.0 versiyon and STM769I-DISCO board .
I have previously tested the following states for simulation and the error is the same.
1. There are 1 button in the sample.
2. There are no items in the example. I opened the example of Blank UI.
3. There are any examples prepared in the sample.
2020-06-16 9:44 AM
I just started the program, and I couldn't get it to work.
STlink is very working.
I set up the program on the link below.
I know my brother's Laptop works smoothly.
2020-06-17 12:35 AM
To be on the same page, can you do the following steps ?
2020-06-17 2:21 AM
Dear Alexandre
The error code never changes. I couldn't get through that part.
5. Generate Code
Wrote generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/screen1_screen/Screen1ViewBase.hpp
Wrote generated/gui_generated/src/screen1_screen/Screen1ViewBase.cpp
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
Writing generated/images/src/__designer/Blue_Buttons_Round_Edge_small.cpp
Writing generated/images/src/__designer/Blue_Buttons_Round_Edge_small_pressed.cpp
Writing generated/images/src/__designer/Blue_Textures_church.cpp
Writing generated/images/include/BitmapDatabase.hpp
Writing generated/images/src/BitmapDatabase.cpp
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
an error occurred in converting texts:
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
Cleaning generated files from generated/texts and generated/fonts.
make[1]: *** [texts] Error 1
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:219: recipe for target 'texts' failed
simulator/gcc/Makefile:32: recipe for target 'assets' failed
make: *** [assets] Error 2
6. Run Target
Run Target
Generate Assets
make -f simulator/gcc/Makefile assets -j8
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
an error occurred in converting texts:
"\x8D" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1254 to UTF-8
Cleaning generated files from generated/texts and generated/fonts.
generated/simulator/gcc/Makefile:219: recipe for target 'texts' failed
make[1]: *** [texts] Error 1
simulator/gcc/Makefile:32: recipe for target 'assets' failed
make: *** [assets] Error 2
2020-06-19 4:33 AM
I found the problem, and I solved it.
Windows username is Turkish.
The letter "Sad"ı"k" in The Sadık Sume.
Here's the solution.
1- I removed all STM programs from remove my computer.
2- I've added a new user in Windows 10.
3- I made the username STM32. (English must have characters.)
4- TouchGFX, STM32CubeMX 5.6, ST link programs i installed and successfully run.