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Getting TouchGFX and Ethernet/LWiP working together -- RTOS issue??


Hi there -- I have successfully got the TouchGFX interface and HTTPServer Example (LWiP) working on a STM32F769i-Disco however, as I'm adding more things I seem to be having issues with the stack size and/or memory.

**Please note: in the attached image you can see the toggle button renders correctly, but all the other buttons and textfields are low resolution. Is this a memory issue? Why would adding the ethernet buffer code cause this.

Here's where I'm at right now:

I can have both working (touchgfx displays properly), however, the HTTPServer the request takes 30 seconds to return -- it's stalled or hangs, then resolves and displays properly.

I think it could be related to a memory setting issue in the RTOSConf?

Any idea what could be causing this? I'm new to STM32 dev.



@DMavr.1​  did you sort this out?

I am quite a few steps behind you, still trying to figure out how to get touchgfx and LwIP working together.

I was hoping you might be able to post some of your code​ and CubeMX configuration so I can see how you did it?

Thanks in advance​,
