2021-09-21 7:42 PM
So I have a STM32F769I-DISC0 board, and I am trying to write a binary file to it. Originally I was trying to write a binary file that was generated by the touchGFX Designer tool, but now I am simply trying to get the touchGFX example program for this board deployed on the board. This code compiles fine and generates binary/hex files, it just wont flash to the board for some reason. This is the full message I get on the STM32CubeIDE:
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.9.1
Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Waiting for debugger connection...
Debugger connected
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0
ST-LINK SN : 066DFF544856846687081653
Board : 32F769IDISCOVERY
Voltage : 3.22V
SWD freq : 4000 KHz
Connect mode: Under Reset
Reset mode : Hardware reset
Device ID : 0x451
Revision ID : Rev Z
Device name : STM32F76x/STM32F77x
Flash size : 2 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M7
BL Version : 0x__
Memory Programming ...
Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_a15648.srec
File : ST-LINK_GDB_server_a15648.srec
Size : 58104 Bytes
Address : 0x08000000
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
Erasing internal memory sectors [0 3]
Download in Progress:
Error: failed to download Segment[0]
Error: failed to download the File
Error! Failed to read target status
Debugger connection lost.
Shutting down...
I also tried to flash the board using the STM32CubeProgrammer, but got the same results, the logs for that are below:
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.9.1
Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
InitWhile : Enabled
Waiting for debugger connection...
Debugger connected
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0
ST-LINK SN : 066DFF544856846687081653
Board : 32F769IDISCOVERY
Voltage : 3.22V
SWD freq : 4000 KHz
Connect mode: Under Reset
Reset mode : Hardware reset
Device ID : 0x451
Revision ID : Rev Z
Device name : STM32F76x/STM32F77x
Flash size : 2 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M7
BL Version : 0x__
Memory Programming ...
Opening and parsing file: ST-LINK_GDB_server_a15648.srec
File : ST-LINK_GDB_server_a15648.srec
Size : 58104 Bytes
Address : 0x08000000
Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
Erasing internal memory sectors [0 3]
Download in Progress:
Error: failed to download Segment[0]
Error: failed to download the File
Error! Failed to read target status
Debugger connection lost.
Shutting down...
The other two posts I could find on this didn't address the issue:
Any help would be much appreciated, and let me know if you need more information - thanks
2021-09-28 7:56 PM
Hello CBurk.2,
Did you select the external loader for the STM32F769I-DISC0 board before trying to download the code ? Or are you only using internal memory for this application ?
2021-09-29 2:23 AM
Which exact example application are you refering to? Is it this one?
How is the project linked? Have a look at the Build Analyzer view in CubeIDE to examine the build output to see if it is linked towards internal or external flash.
If it does not work in STM32CubeProg stand-alone, then it cannot work in CubeIDE.