2020-05-19 8:43 AM
Hello, I'm developing a project on stm32f746igt6. I use open746-c (stm32f746igt6) board. I could not create a project that works with cubeide. the screen is solid black. If I load the demo code that came with open746-c. The screen works. My connections are correct. Is there a sample cubeide and touchgfx project file for open746? I looked at other question titles. I couldn't find any solution. There are custom board videos with stm32f746g discovery but not enough.
Demo Code Working
The project created with cubeide and touchgfx does not work.
pins are defined according to the board.
Best Regards
2020-05-19 12:57 PM
I think you should start from STM32F Discovery Demos.
Open STM32F746-DISO.ioc and do edition as per your hardware/requirements in STM32CubeIDE
Please Check below link.
Hope this helps..
2020-05-19 4:39 PM
Thank you for the answer. I was able to print pictures on the screen with the code I produced with Cubemx. When I include touchgfx in the project, the screen is black again. I noticed while debugging with Led.
MX_TouchGFX_Process(); // it does not exit this loop when it is processed.
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_PIN_SET); // so the led does not light up.
2020-05-19 10:48 PM
1) How you able to display print pictures with demo code/Cube generated code?
2) What error you are seeing on STM32CubeIDE Console window while debugging. ?
Please print here.
2020-05-25 7:21 AM
I write the processes in order.
1.I created code with CubeMX.
LTDC > I made the Waveshare lcd screen GPIO and pixel settings. and NVIC 5
DMA2D > I just chose RGB565. and NVIC 5
CRC > Default
RCC > LCD TFT 32 MHZ , other lines at maximum speed
pLayerCfg.WindowX0 = 0;
pLayerCfg.WindowX1 = 1024;
pLayerCfg.WindowY0 = 0;
pLayerCfg.WindowY1 = 600;
pLayerCfg.PixelFormat = LTDC_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565;
pLayerCfg.Alpha = 255;
pLayerCfg.Alpha0 = 0;
pLayerCfg.BlendingFactor1 = LTDC_BLENDING_FACTOR1_CA;
pLayerCfg.BlendingFactor2 = LTDC_BLENDING_FACTOR2_CA;
pLayerCfg.FBStartAdress = (uint32_t)acscrot; // I wrote a picture based on the demo code.
pLayerCfg.ImageWidth = 1024;
pLayerCfg.ImageHeight = 600;
pLayerCfg.Backcolor.Blue = 0;
pLayerCfg.Backcolor.Green = 0;
pLayerCfg.Backcolor.Red = 0;
This is how I printed a picture on the screen.
Stage 2
FREERTOS > StackSize Words 128 >2048
TouchGFX Soft > RGR565 Single buffer and adress 0xc0000000, LTDC > ChromART > CMSIS V1 > TouchGFX Desingner I created a project.
LTDC > pLayerCfg.FBStartAdress = 0xC0000000; and NVIC 5
And task
void StartDefaultTask(void const * argument)
/* Infinite loop */
pLayerCfg.WindowX0 = 0;
pLayerCfg.WindowX1 = 1024;
pLayerCfg.WindowY0 = 0;
pLayerCfg.WindowY1 = 600;
pLayerCfg.PixelFormat = LTDC_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565;
pLayerCfg.Alpha = 255;
pLayerCfg.Alpha0 = 0;
pLayerCfg.BlendingFactor1 = LTDC_BLENDING_FACTOR1_CA;
pLayerCfg.BlendingFactor2 = LTDC_BLENDING_FACTOR2_CA;
pLayerCfg.FBStartAdress = 0xC0000000;
pLayerCfg.ImageWidth = 1024;
pLayerCfg.ImageHeight = 600;
pLayerCfg.Backcolor.Blue = 0;
pLayerCfg.Backcolor.Green = 0;
pLayerCfg.Backcolor.Red = 0;
0 error 0 warning> The screen is black when I load the code. Do I need to make special settings?
I also debudged. mx_touchgfx_process (); I created a breakpoint. I did not receive any errors in the window that opened.
2021-02-18 12:20 AM
I have the same problem. I hope that if you find a solution to this problem, you can tell me, please
2021-06-01 3:52 AM
I have the exact same problem.
Did someone find a solution? I would love to know.