2020-11-19 6:56 AM
I cannot use correctly TouchGFX Designer. When I use "run Target", when arriving at the step of stmCubeProgrammer, I have this issue :
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.6.0
Error: External loader c:\program cannot be loaded.
Error: External loader files\stmicroelectronics\stm32cube\stm32cubeprogrammer\bin\externalloader\n25q128a_stm32469i-disco.stldr cannot be loaded.
ST-LINK SN : 066EFF3530384E5043221930
Board : 32F469IDISCOVERY
Voltage : 3.24V
SWD freq : 4000 KHz
Connect mode: Normal
Reset mode : Software reset
Device ID : 0x434
Revision ID : Rev A
Device name : STM32F469xx/F467xx
Flash size : 2 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M4
As you can see the path for the external loader path is splited in 2 parts because of the space in "Program Files". It seems that I am the only one with this issue ? I did not have this issue with the previous release of TouchGFX.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-11-24 2:03 AM
I confirm it works perfectly with STM32CubeProgrammer 2.5.0
2020-11-25 12:10 AM
So you're saying it works fine with the GUI, but not with the CLI? I think that since you added the topic CubeProgrammer to this post, it should be fine. Maybe we'll get some attention from people. I'll try to do some tests here, because i've never seen it before.
2020-11-25 1:41 AM
Yes, I confirm that with STM32CubeProgrammer GUI in 2.6.0, I select the external Loader, I connect with the st-link to the board. I select the target.hex file and I download it in the MCU. The UI is then working correctly.
It doesn't not work if I use TouchGFX to flash : the display is completly "bugged". I mean : I download the Clock example and I see the form of the second and minute hands but it is wrong color and noisy.
2020-11-27 3:08 AM
Hi @SimonF ,
I confirm , this is a known limitation with the space in the paths.
To resolve this problem, you can modify your command to directly call the external loader file, so you use externalloader\n25q128a_stm32469i-disco.stldr instead of the full path.
I hope this will help you.
2020-11-27 3:16 AM
Hello @Houda GHABRI ,
To avoid this problem, I went back to STM32CubeProgrammer 2.5.0 ! Isn't it strange that when updating from 2.5 to 2.6, there is a new limitation about spaces ? ^^'
Thank you for posting a workaround for people that really need the 2.6.0 version.
2020-11-30 5:15 AM
Hi. I confirm same behavior on my side.
Also worked worked with STM32CubeProgrammer 2.5.0.
2020-11-30 6:56 AM
Hi guys, i'm reporting this to the cubeprogrammer team, thanks for the reports!
2020-12-15 6:26 AM
Yes, it should be 2.6 problem, pls use 2.5 as per https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D53W00000OU4T0SAL
2020-12-17 3:49 AM
Upgraded to STM32CubeProgrammer V2.6.0 yesterday (from V2.5.0) and now I have the same problem.
Using the STM32CubeProgrammer it works fine but from CLI is where it fails.
2020-12-17 4:01 AM
Hi @Svenn Dahlstrom ,
CubeProgrammer team is fixing this, but in the meantime you can either use 2.5 and be happy, or.... i'm publishing a known issue for cubeprogrammer 2.6 to make it work with TouchGFX makefiles (which works since its from command-line as you mention).