2019-08-18 5:35 AM
So I started a Project in CubeIDE with the standart settings and the resolving integration issues Video.
All worked well. But now i enabled LwIP with standart Settings and I get the Error, that the SDL2/SDL_video.h File in the HALSDL2 Header couldn't be found. But shouldn't this File be excluded from the Build? How can it throw a Error in there?
Also if i restart CubeIDE and build again, sometimes i get a lot of errors in the TouchGFX/Simulator Folder, which also should be excluded.
If I disable LwIP again and restart CubeIDE it wil work again.
CubeIDE: 1.0.1
TouchGFX: 4.10.0
MCU: STM32F746G-Discovery
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-03-09 4:29 AM
Sorry for the late reply, but the latest version has fixed all problems for me
2019-08-18 12:20 PM
The toolchain is still being tweaked. Suggest for you to manually copy and past from a known good project folder what may be missing once you invoke the LwIP feature. Hoping this will allow your custom project to build correctly.
2019-08-19 10:20 AM
That’s the Problem, if i build both Systems (LwIP and TouchGFX) separately they both work. But if i combine them, the Compiler throws errors in the exlcuded Simulator path from TouchGFX. The Compiler shouldn’t even touch this Files, because they are excluded...
2019-08-20 10:48 AM
I had the same problem even when the "Exclude resource from Build" is checked. Unchecking and rechecking that selection has no effect. It is frustrating, I know. They are working on these issues and I am looking forward to a new release.
I ended up using a difference tool to compare project files from when it was working and when it wasn't and reverted some of the changes to make it compile.
The following post discusses this:
2020-01-13 1:54 AM
I faced almost same error when I enable LwIP in a project with TouchGFX. After I excluded the certain files then new errors are exist. The errors are:
c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.0.2\stm32cubeide\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.7-2018-q2-update.win32_1.0.0.201904181610\tools\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/7.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/include/c++/7.3.1/arm-none-eabi/thumb/v7e-m/fpv4-sp/hard/bits/error_constants.h:126:31: error: 'ECANCELED' was not declared in this scope
c:\st\stm32cubeide_1.0.2\stm32cubeide\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.gnu-tools-for-stm32.7-2018-q2-update.win32_1.0.0.201904181610\tools\bin\../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/7.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/include/c++/7.3.1/arm-none-eabi/thumb/v7e-m/fpv4-sp/hard/bits/error_constants.h:135:24: error: 'EOWNERDEAD' was not declared in this scope
and etc....
Do u face this errors and have any ideas to solve it?
2020-03-09 4:29 AM
Sorry for the late reply, but the latest version has fixed all problems for me
2020-11-30 12:24 PM
Did you find the solution? I have same errors when activate lwIP. Project was created in older version od CubeMX and TouchGFX but everything is upgraded to newest version, it didn't solve the problem.
edit: I found a solution some time ago. In my case in file:
#include <errno.h> should be changed to #include <sys/errno.h>