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STM32H7 cannot program anymore after running example of SBSFU example (1 Image) for STM32H7B3.

Associate II

the stm32programmer can connect, erase whole chip, but cannot program.

What I have done is to run example of SBSFU example (1 Image). I can see bootloader running. Then I try to erase the chip to program my other program.

I try to load the PCROP and secure section from my coworker's setting, but it does not allow me to change.

I attached all the stm32programmer logs.

May I know anyway can solve this lock program, or this device is actually locked


ST Employee

Hi @jiangpen​ ,

I think this may be related to the secure memory configuration, see appendix I in UM2262. Have you considered that?


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Jocelyn RICARD
ST Employee

Hello @jiangpen​ 

your option bytes have definitely not the good value.

Here is what you should get:

c:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin>STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=SWD -ob displ
                       STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0
ST-LINK SN  : 0024001E3038511234333935
Board       : STM32H7B3I-DK
Voltage     : 3.29V
SWD freq    : 24000 KHz
Connect mode: Normal
Reset mode  : Software reset
Device ID   : 0x480
Revision ID : Rev Z
Device name : STM32H7A/B
Flash size  : 2 MBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU  : Cortex-M7
BL Version  : 0x90
  Bank          : 0x00
  Address       : 0x5200201c
  Size          : 308 Bytes
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
   Read Out Protection:
     RDP          : 0xAA (Level 0, no protection)
   BOR Level:
     BOR_LEV      : 0x0 (reset level OFF)
   User Configuration:
     IWDG1_SW     : 0x1 (Independent watchdog is controlled by software)
     NRST_STOP    : 0x1 (STOP mode on Domain 1 is entering without reset)
     NRST_STBY    : 0x1 (STANDBY mode on Domain 1 is entering without reset)
     VDDMMC_HSLV  : 0x0 (I/O speed optimization at low-voltage disabled)
     IWDG_FZ_STOP : 0x1 (Independent watchdog is running in STOP mode)
     IWDG_FZ_SDBY : 0x1 (Independent watchdog is running in STANDBY mode)
     SECURITY     : 0x0 (Security feature disabled)
     VDDIO_HSLV   : 0x0 (Product working in the full voltage range,I/O speed optimization at low-voltage disabled)
     SWAP_BANK_OPT: 0x0 (after boot loading, no swap for user sectors)
   Boot address Option Bytes:
     BOOT_CM7_ADD0: 0x800  (0x8000000)
     BOOT_CM7_ADD1: 0x1FF0  (0x1FF00000)
   PCROP Protection:
     PROT_AREA_START1: 0xFF  (0x800FF00)
     PROT_AREA_END1: 0x0  (0x80000FF)
     DMEP1        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 1 PCROP zone is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs) 
     PROT_AREA_START2: 0xFF  (0x810FF00)
     PROT_AREA_END2: 0x0  (0x81000FF)
     DMEP2        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 2 PCROP zone is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs) 
   Secure Protection:
     SEC_AREA_START1: 0xFF  (0x800FF00)
     SEC_AREA_END1: 0x0  (0x80000FF)
     DMES1        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 1 secure area is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs)
     SEC_AREA_START2: 0xFF  (0x810FF00)
     SEC_AREA_END2: 0x0  (0x81000FF)
     DMES2        : 0x1 (Flash Bank 2 secure area is erased when RDP level regression (change from level 1 to 0) occurs)
   DTCM RAM Protection:
     ST_RAM_SIZE  : 0x0 (2 KB)
   Write Protection:
     nWRP0        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP1        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP2        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP3        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP4        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP5        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP6        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP7        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP8        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP9        : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP10       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP11       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP12       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP13       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP14       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP15       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP16       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP17       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP18       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP19       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP20       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP21       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP22       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP23       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP24       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP25       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP26       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP27       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP28       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP29       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP30       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP31       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP32       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP33       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP34       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP35       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP36       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP37       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP38       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP39       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP40       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP41       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP42       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP43       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP44       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP45       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP46       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP47       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP48       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP49       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP50       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP51       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP52       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP53       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP54       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP55       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP56       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP57       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP58       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP59       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP60       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP61       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP62       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)
     nWRP63       : 0x1 (Write protection not active)

Best regards
