Issue building SBSFU with latest STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 : here is the solution
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‎2022-03-09 11:05 AM
Hello SBSFU users !
The latest release of STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0 is introducing GNU Tools version 10.3 as toolchain. This new toolchain creates an issue in the SBSFU final build.
A new release of X-CUBE-SBSFU is coming in around one month to fix this but, in the meanwhile, I would like to share with you the changes needed to be able to use this version of STM32CubeIDE.
First, the issue is related the the ability to call services in the secure engine. So, if you do not need this feature, just remove it.
Here is how to do this.
1- Open Properties of your user application
2- in C/C++ Build/Settings/MCU GCC Linker/Miscellaneous, remove the content of Additional objects. Something like "./../../2_Images_SBSFU/STM32CubeIDE/Debug/se_interface_app.o"
3- Also remove in your code any call to SE_*. The common service implemented is usually SE_APP_GetActiveFwInfo
That's it.
Now, if you use the SE service, here is what you need to do. The following is the description of the changes done in the SBSFU provided in the STM32WL firmware package. So, you can also get this package for reference.
Principle is to generate a specific .ld file containing the service name and associated address.
1) In SBSFU project, you need to create a ...SBSSU/STM32CubeIDE/ containing the following
#!/bin/bash -
echo "Extract SE interface symbols"
arm-none-eabi-nm $1 > nm.txt
case "$(uname -s)" in
tr -d '\015' <../se_interface.txt >../se_interface_unix.txt
grep -F -f ../se_interface_unix.txt nm.txt > symbol.list
rm ../se_interface_unix.txt
grep -F -f ../se_interface.txt nm.txt > symbol.list
wc -l symbol.list
cat symbol.list | awk '{split($0,a,/[ \r]/); print a[3]" = 0x"a[1]";"}' > se_interface_app.ld
rm nm.txt
rm symbol.list
2) Add the call to this postbuild.
in Properties/C/C++ build/Settings/Build Steps/Post-built steps
Replace the old command by this new one:
"../" "${BuildArtifactFileName}"
This will create the se_interface_app.ld in the debug directory
When building SBSFU you should see something like this in the build console. The 1 means only 1 symbol created. This is the number of services of Secure Engine you use.
Extract SE interface symbols
1 symbol.list
3) Edit the .ld file of your application and just before the INCLUDE mapping_fwimg.ld add following line
INCLUDE se_interface_app.ld
4) Last point. You need to give to linker the directory where to find this ld file
in Properties/C build/Settings/MCU GCC Linker/Library/Library search path, add following line
You may need to adapt the path to your own project to find the path to SBSFU
Then your application should link.
I hope this will help
Best regards
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‎2022-03-10 9:28 AM
Thanks Jocelyn for this fast workaround solution. I tested second option with .sh file and se_interface.ld generation and this works perfectly. regards.
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‎2022-04-04 8:59 AM
@Jocelyn RICARD​ I'm sorry but your procedure is not working for me. I made your changes in the ...2_Images_SBSFU demo app on a Mac. When I try to build 2_Images_SBSFU the linker fails to find se_interface_app.ld. This is because has not been executed yet. I never see the echo of Extract SE interface symbols. I have apparently made an error somewhere but I can't find it.
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‎2022-04-04 12:58 PM
Hello @Clark Sann​ ,
first did you set the as executable?
Did you get an error ?
The needs to be in the postbuild steps of SBSFU.
Best regards
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‎2022-04-04 1:18 PM
@Jocelyn RICARD​
Thank you for your quick reply!
Yes, I did set the script as executable so I did not get an error. And it is set as the post build script for the SBSFU app.
The problem is that the post build script is not run. This is because the build process dies when the linker cannot find the se_interface_app.ld.
The reason it can’t find that file is because it has not been created.
And that is because the build process died before the post build script could be run.
I’m not exactly sure when the post build script is to be ran but I think it is ran after compilation AND linking. Because the linker fails, the script which builds the new .ld file is not run.
This is all pretty new to me and so I my conclusions may be wrong.
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‎2022-04-05 4:31 AM
Hello @Clark Sann​
I suspect you added the line
INCLUDE se_interface_app.ld
in the wrong linker file. It needs to be added in the linker file of the application and not the one of SBSFU
Best regards
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‎2022-04-05 5:19 AM
You are correct. I will fix that when I get to the office.
Thank you for excellent support!
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‎2022-04-06 8:23 AM
Hello Jocelyn
Is there a pre-release of the IDE which fixes the problem with the secure engine/compiler problem? It is important for our project that the STM32Cube AWS Cloud function pack for STWINKT1B AWSdemo example does build with the IDE release tools. Our goal is to enhance this example project. Alternatively, could you provide the example modified to build without the secure boot (like the serial_datalog example which I do have running) so that I have a working Wi-Fi example?
A third option would be if there is a Cellular + FreeRTOS + AWS MQTT example that does not fall fowl of the secure engine/compiler problem?
Best Regards
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‎2022-04-06 9:29 AM
Hello @Geoff​ ,
There will not be any change in the IDE to fix this.
The packages themselves will be updated progressively.
Now, you can use this method for any package using SBSFU. It will work.
You may need to adapt one or 2 path because directory structure is not the same, but solution is same for all.
If you don't manage to do it, please provide link to exact package you need use on and I'll provide the files to change
Best regards
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‎2022-04-06 10:10 AM
Thanks for explaining further Jocelyn. Got it.
I'm looking to build fp-cld-aws1 using STM32CubeIDE on Windows 10.