2022-07-25 10:20 PM
2022-07-25 10:38 PM
STM32CubeMX MCU selector is your friend.
2022-07-25 11:39 PM
Specify each usart baud rate, 2 or 4 wire protocol (rts cts flow control)...
4 wire require USART, 2 wire also qualifes UART, low baudrate LPUART (low power uart which can catch incoming firat byte even is core clock is off in low power mode)
If you take high end STM32H7 There maybe possible candidates.
If not all uart need to be on simultaneously, a uart has multiple rx tx pin sets you can switch by sw dynamically. With the second order details, your mcu choice maybe a more secure win down the road.
2022-07-26 12:55 AM
Have you tried the "STM32 Finder new mobile app" ?
Or the Product Selector?
2022-07-26 8:20 AM
Any with more as 12 GPIO pins, you dont request HW UART
2022-07-26 9:11 AM
He is requesting UART peripheral, not GPIO.
2022-07-26 9:29 AM
@Piranha - but is he?
The question is vague, and maybe soft UARTs would do ... ?
2022-07-26 12:48 PM
UART peripheral is MCU feature. Software UART is a software feature. MCU and software is not the same thing. Continuing in such a manner one can say that a timer with a PWM output channel is a DAC feature. And a logic gates is MCU, one just have to connect them...