2021-09-23 8:07 AM
I'm using STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 for vibration analysis and I want to change sampling frecuency. I did it in the past with other versions of the project but now it has chan a little. I changed the ODR in the file lsm6dsox.c , but I also need to change the frequency in which the parameter is update. In other projects, this parameter was in the file Target_features.h (shown in image 1)Now in this file these parameters don't exist. I found this ones on other file,
ALLMEMS2_config.h (shown in image2), but he one related with inertial sensors is missing. Where can I found it?
Thank you
2023-01-25 1:17 AM
Sorry for very late aswer.
I suppose you have find the soluction but belowe you can find my aswer.
If you refer at the Acc/Gyro/Mag values, you can find this parameter in the file main.c.
The mane of the parameter is: DEFAULT_uhCCR4_Val