Hello,the latest version of the package FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1 that support the SensorTile (STEVAL-STLKT01) board is 4.2.0 (the latest version of the package is 4.3.0).I downloaded the version 4.2.0 from https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/fp-sns-allmem...
Hello Emanuel,the firmware SENSING1 uses FreeRTOS (Real-time operating system for microcontrollers and small microprocessors), ALLMEMS1 uses classical infinite loopI suggest you see FP-SNS-ALLMEMS2 firmware.ALLMEMS2 is the same application of ALLMEMS...
Hello Emanuel,In the last version of the ALLMEMS1 STEVAL-STLKT01V1 is not most supported.The latest version of the ALLMEMS1 that including this harware is 4.2.0.If you have that, in the file main.c there is this API: MCU_PowerSaveThis API send the Se...
Hello,I read the messages and for me there is a bit confusion.The package FP-SNS-SMARTAG2 is composed of 3 examples and 1 application:Examples:OneShot: reads in energy harvesting mode the ambient light and environmental sensor data on your IoT node b...