2022-08-10 1:28 AM
I am still learning about STM32 and I know that the slashes mean that several ports are bonded to the same pin (e.g. PB7/PB8), but what the square brackets mean in a STM32 pinout? and the dash?
Best regards
Solved! Go to Solution.
2022-08-10 1:52 AM
Please check the STM32G0 reference manual:
Page 248:
register SYSCFG_CFGR1, bits 3 & 4 :
PA12_RMP & PA11_RMP...
There is an HAL function to set those bits:
HAL_SYSCFG_EnableRemap() in stm32g0xx_hal.c.
Hope that helps.
2022-08-10 1:33 AM
Default expectation, a non configurable input pin, perhaps?
2022-08-10 1:52 AM
Please check the STM32G0 reference manual:
Page 248:
register SYSCFG_CFGR1, bits 3 & 4 :
PA12_RMP & PA11_RMP...
There is an HAL function to set those bits:
HAL_SYSCFG_EnableRemap() in stm32g0xx_hal.c.
Hope that helps.
2022-08-10 1:55 AM
It is a sw pin remap STM32F103 style, which is different than alternate functions. Remap is for some smaller packages of the product.
2022-08-10 2:06 AM
The hypen, like, for example, on PA14-BOOT0, means that it's a single pad/pin on a crystal with both of those functions.