2022-07-04 6:28 AM
Hi All, I am trying to compile and run the project ACIM-NUCLEOG431RB-IHM023V3-LSO_FOC to drive an ACIM motor as in the wiki: https://wiki.stmicroelectronics.cn/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:SDK_AC_induction_motor but the generation of the code give me the warning: "completed with errors". I reinstalled all the software but the result is the same, also I tried to work in the IAR project to fix there the problem but this doesn't work. The log file is too long to be posted here, the final raws are:
2022-07-04 15:09:10,702 ERROR [Main.lambda$run$0] Some errors have been raised: check lines above.
2022-07-04 15:09:10,704 DEBUG [Main.lambda$run$0] System exists with return code 1
2022-08-10 1:20 AM
Hello, the same result with you after finished the guide operation form the wiki, now there is no any method for me to resolve this, how about you? thanks,