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USART frame detect IRQ. How?

Associate III

I'm modifying code for a Atmega AVR to a STM32L03 and encounter ISR(USART1_START_vect). It is a function that is called when the UART receives a start frame. I'm a newbie to this STM32-processor but I have googled and checked in inc-files but I cannot find any suitable code. I'm using HAL for now.

Have anyone a suggestion?



The interpreter library is written to handle only one UART port. The code includes detection of start and stop frames. If I do this detection outside the library functions, the impact will be too great. It is easier to hire the interpreter after the first byte has arrived and continue to feed the interpreter with more data until the entire message is processed. After that the flag is reset and the respective UART buffer is checked if more data has arrived.

That "Getting started..." explained everything. I understand the flow now and how everything is connected and supposed to work.

@Amel NASRI​ , by the way, the text and image in the section "2.4.1 HAL Library workflow summary" of that article contains a notion of HAL_EXTI0_IRQHandler function, which does not exist. The "0" in the name is wrong and confusing.

Yes. I saw that one. That worried me a little because it meant that I still didn't understood the workflow. I made a global code-search and didn't find any function with that name so I thought it was a misspelling.

Good catch from @Piranha​!

Yes indeed @Håkan Nalén​  it is a typo in the workflow and it will be fixed.


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