2022-01-17 01:10 PM
Hello dear friends,
I use F4 series MCUs. I am looking to send UART data via DMA and receive data in interrupt. How can I reach this goal? I am able to send data via DMA and receive data in interrupt, but the problem is in simultaneous use of DMA for data transmit and receive interrupt.
Sincerely yours
2022-01-19 07:20 AM
It can be possible. Do you have some code to help you? ;)
2022-01-19 08:23 AM
What about transmitting AND receiving using DMA at the same time?
2022-01-19 11:21 AM
The matter is parsing input packets is more reliable in interrupt cases. In the case of DMA for receiving data, the interrupt will occur when a known number of bytes or half of that known number is received. But if one uses interrupt, one would not struggle with this limitation. The packet is supposed to be a long packet. Then using DMA for send will not block the program counter and receive interrupt will not lead to data loss.
2022-01-19 11:32 AM
There is way to overcome this problem. Have a look at the provided link before.
2022-01-19 12:42 PM
Yes use the DMAs, Rx circular and Tx in Normal mode.
Full speed is no issue...
You can check the Rx DMA buffer pointer to see if a byte (or block) has arrived
set the Rx buffer to 1k or 4k as you need, I run a 16k Tx buffer, and move along it, when it get to 3/4 mark I move all unDMA'ed bytes back to the zero mark
Works very well...
Good Luck with that, its a huge set of code, I have sent it up here a couple of months ago...
look for this Question:
STM32L476RG UART TX proccess via DMA without UART interrupt
2022-01-21 07:46 AM
Dear @Community member (Community Member) @Tilen MAJERLE (ST Employee) @Simon.T (ST Employee)
Here is the MVP project that shows the issue. The project is built with STM32cubeMX 6.4 and STM32cubeF4 V1.26.2 and for stm32cubeIDE V1.8. Whenever a Uart DMA transfer is completed, a Uart transfer complete interrupt is generated which is not desired by me. If you review the code I have posted here, I have disabled the transfer complete interrupt in the beginning before the infinity loop (while(1)). How can I make it not generate a transfer complete interrupt? As far as I have searched in the STM32F407 series Reference manual RM0090, I have not found any clue that mentions when a DMA transfer makes an interrupt in hardware level.
After some investigating, I have found that in the function
static void UART_DMATransmitCplt(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)
in the file "stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c" Line 2995
ATOMIC_SET_BIT(huart->Instance->CR1, USART_CR1_TCIE);
enable that notorious interrupt. Disabled that and altered the Uart soft status in the handle from busy to ready in the interrupt routine by
if (huart2.gState != HAL_UART_STATE_READY)
huart2.gState = HAL_UART_STATE_READY;
The if would be for later use to check if really the transfer complete was the source of interupt.
I wonder if this scenario can be made through the stm32cubeMX