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Stop mode current with NUCLEO-32

Associate II


I am using the NUCLEO-32 STM32L011 kit and I want to put the MCU in stop mode to measure Idd. Everything seems to be going well but when I measure the current, this is 2.5µA versus 0.5µA announced in the datasheet when the stop mode is activated with the RTC active.

The measurement is performed on the JP1 connector therefore with a supply voltage of 3.3V.

I don't see what other components could consume this 2µA more, does anyone have an idea?

Chief II

swd / jtag lines are all disconnected ?

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ST Employee

Hello @LaurentLef​,

Try to check if all free pins are set as analog.

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Associate II


Thanks for these answers.

I run in release mode so the debugger is disabled.

Before entry in stop mode, I configure all GPIOs in input analog mode.

Chief II


>the debugger is disabled < , yes. but not disconnected !

remove the jumpers - to be shure, no current can go there.

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Associate II

On the NUCLEO32-STM32L011 kit, there is no jumper on the SWCLK and SWDIO signals.

Chief II

ok, right. so...just test, that there is no voltage .

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Chief II

Most likely the DBG_CR register is not reset.

Read more details about it there:

Associate II


Thanks for your advice.

To test consumption in STOP mode as simply as possible, I modified my software as follows:

1- Disable debug in low-power mode

2- Enable Low Power RUN

3- Disable RTC wake up

4- Disable SysTick interrupts

5- Configure all GPIOs in analog

6- Disable GPIOs clock

7- Enter in STOP mode with no return (RTC wake-up disable in step 3)

I measure the consumption during phases 1 to 4: Idd = 37µA, which is consistent for operation at 131072hz in MSI.

I measure the consumption in stop mode (after step 7): Idd=2.5µA, always 2.2µA more.

I don't understand why this overconsumption is my software or the NUCLEO-32 STM32L011 kit?

ST Employee

Hello @LaurentLef​,

Please check the parameters mentioned in the DS11100 and precisely in table 33 (as shown below).


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