2019-05-14 12:03 AM
I try to trigger a ADC for example ADC1 in injected conversion mode with the Timer out event of TIM1 but it doesn`t work.
For Time 1 i select OCREF and OC6REF as trigger event. In my ADC I select the Timer 1 Trigger out event as external trigger source.
My Timer is counting correctly bu my ADC isnt triggered.
Thanks in advance
2019-11-23 8:51 AM
i have the same problem too
2019-12-16 5:04 PM
op have you had any progress so far? I've been trying to do dma continuous scanning and injected read with TIM1, couldn't read from the regular channels but the JEOC's are successfully triggered.
17DEC19 2354
I circumvented the problem by doing dma continuous scanning with ADC1 and injected conversions with ADC2