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STM32H757 Datasheet missing information

Associate III

Specifically, I require a timer for creating a clock to a peripheral.  I chose PH5 (Timer12 Channel 2) because of the allocation capability in CubeMX, however, the datasheet for the STM32H757 does not show that as an alternate function.

I have confirmed that both the CubeMX software and datasheets are the latest versions...

My question is, which resource is correct and if the Alternate function is available for PH9, which AF code do I use?  It is not listed anywhere.

ST Employee


Need to check internally and get back to you as soon as I have an answer.

Thank you

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Documentation for PB14, PB15, PH6 and PH9 is also lacking, no TIM12 AF table entries.

AF2 per H743/H753, H72x/H73x and H7Ax/H7Bx implementations.

Nowhere do I see PH5 described, my gut is to go with the data sheets over CubeMX tables.


PB14:AF2 TIM12_CH1

PB15:AF2 TIM12_CH2




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ST Employee

Hello again,

Checking the behavior from my side I didn't reproducer it with CubeMx 6.11.1:

This is the list of option CubeMx is giving for PH5:


Could you please tell which exact STM32H7 part number you are using as I could reproduce the same config as yours?

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Do you mean in the Tables "XXX alternate functions" ?

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The H743 is arguably the same die/lineage, this has the TIM12 lines in the AF tables populated correctly, again PH5 is not mentioned as an associated pin.

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The H743 is arguably the same die/lineage, this has the TIM12 lines in the AF tables populated correctly,

I agree.. They need to have the same pinout config from this standpoint. 

H743 and H757 have the same AFs.

As TIM12 is placed at AF2 for H743, H757 has the same AF config:


Need to escalate the issue for H757 datasheet to be fixed as it' is missing TIM12 AF in the "Port B/H alternate. functions".

Thank you @Tesla DeLorean for this catch.

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I mean there's no column at all for TIM12, and neither the PB nor PH frames/tables contain any associativity of TIM12/AF2. The H743/H753 datasheet does, and as I understand it the H74x/H75x share a common core/die, with the M4 or other features like DSI / CRYP selectively enabled/disabled via metal layer or flash/otp cells.


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Yes I've already catched the point. But didn't succeed to reproduce the behavior with cubeMx reported by @rwareinc : PH5 / TIM12! It could be also an issue with the tool too ..

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Is there a pane / pin highlighter / picker that gets you TIM12 associativity from the other direction?

Based on interactions, STM32H757XIH6  240+25-TFBGA (14x14) 265-TFBGA

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