2021-09-18 09:19 AM
I have a 250 Mhz oscilloscope. I am analyzing SPI clock signals at different speeds. Once I tried to have a maximum clock speed for SPIs in H745, I cant see anything from the clock pins. When I set the prescaler to 4(30Mhz) or 8(15Mhz) I can see the clock singal and everything works fine. Does anybody know about this issue ?
Best Regards.
2021-09-18 04:04 PM
How is the SCK pin's respective GPIO_OSPEEDR field set?
2021-09-19 12:48 AM
Thanks for the answer.
I tried with different speeds. (low to very high). It does not change anything. BTW I am using SPI with interrupt. Maybe I should use DMA to reach maximum speed ?
2021-09-19 02:08 AM
Even if the interrupt-based code would be too slow to feed the SPI data continuously, you should see intermittent clocks.
But there may be something in the code which prevents Tx. Try placing a breakpoint at the point where the data register is written.