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STM32H743 Config JTAG PB4 As Gpio Output?

Associate III


when i use normal configuration for define this pin(PB4 in STM32H743) as GPIO output a problem occurs in the program.

This pin is connected to the JTAG port and i use only SWD mode and pull up this pin by 10k to VCC.

plz help me to config this pin as GPIO


" a problem occurs in the program."

Could you perhaps be a little more specific?

When using the debugger? Or times when you are not?

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Associate III

in my PCB i connect Buzzer to pin 4 in port I (PI4). when i config PB4 as output for control a led the buzzer dont work. if i use PB3 instead PB4 everything work fine

Associate III

i use this code for config PB4 as output is this true?

 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};


 /*Configure GPIO pin : PB4 */

 GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_4;


 GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;

 GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW; 

 HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStruct);

> i connect Buzzer to pin 4 in port I (PI4). when i config PB4 as output for control a led the buzzer dont work

Isn't there a hardware problem, e.g. isn't there a short between PI4 and PB4?

How is PI4 configured? Read out and check/compare GPIOI registers content in the two cases (working/non-working).


Associate III

"Isn't there a hardware problem" yes something like this:smirking_face:

This was a small mistake on my part .

buzzer VCC provide by PB4 and buzzer ON/Off control by PI4.

when i Reset PB4 this cuse VCC disconnect and buzzer dont work.

however above code can config PB4 as GPIO output without any problem. thank you