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STM32H73x: HSE / LSE oscillator levels with passive crystals



there's lots of info in the datasheets and the AN2867 about the specs of the HSE / LSE oscillators with passive crystals...

But I'd like to have some "measurable" *** specs, so that I can compare a real life custom board, which means:

voltage levels at the oscillator IN/OUT pins.

*** Okay, the scope's probe's capacitance probably falsifies the actual signal, but so would be ST's...

That would be some helpful info in the respective datasheet - and not some other app note.
IMO it's not really good documentation if there are specs used in the AN which you cannot find in the datasheet, but only in a table in the AN.

So, what can ST please tell me about "good, reliable voltage levels" / swing in Vpp at the HSE and LSE IO pins?