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STM32H503RB I3C private communication


Hi all.


I tried to communicate(private) with my I3C slave device using STM32H503RB board.

To communicate with my device, I need to specify register address to write/read data.

i.e. Frame = (Start with Slave ID w/ W=0) + (register address w/ W=0) + (data to be written)

Is there any I3C HAL Functions like "I2C_Mem_Write"?

What I only found is "HAL_I3C_Ctrl_Transmit" which use default address pointer.

If there is no HAL Function doing that.

I want to know the work around for this.


thank you


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @GLee.16​ ,

For the private communication with the I3C target you can just send the address in the TXbuffer ( uint8_t TXbuffer [1] = {0x0F} for example ) and then you can do a Receive.

Now, there's not a functions similar to HAL_I2C_Mem_Read/HAL_I2C_Mem_Write for I3C.

For more details about private communication, please check the 9.8 Private read section in the I3C Application Note Introduction to I3C for STM32H5 series MCU - Application note

Hope I helped you!


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ST Employee

Hello @GLee.16​ ,

For the private communication with the I3C target you can just send the address in the TXbuffer ( uint8_t TXbuffer [1] = {0x0F} for example ) and then you can do a Receive.

Now, there's not a functions similar to HAL_I2C_Mem_Read/HAL_I2C_Mem_Write for I3C.

For more details about private communication, please check the 9.8 Private read section in the I3C Application Note Introduction to I3C for STM32H5 series MCU - Application note

Hope I helped you!


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I appreciate for your help.

I checked my board is working

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