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stm32h503 how read multi channel value in interrupt mode


Hello evryone:

at the first it is may firt project with STM32, and don't have any experince with this MCU.

I have a problem, when I read (with HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1)) the multi channel ADC value in interrupt mode the value is always the same. I have tryed all type setup in STM32CUBE IDE, but the result is always same.

There evryone to help me?

Tanks and sorry for my poor english.

Lead III

1. Use DMA for multiple channels - classic STM32 technique.

2. It's generally not a good idea to use ADC interrupts.

3. To handle multiple channels without DMA you may use AUTDLY setting in DMA config register,

My STM32 stuff on github - compact USB device stack and more:

I would like to use DMA memory, but the setup in GPDM1 or 2 is not very easy for me (much easier with STM32F302). I would like to have an example of how to do it. Also, the suggestion to use AUTDLY is unfamiliar to me. Could you point me to where I can find something that might help me?