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STM32G491 Pin1 Marking


Hey, i


got this STM32G491MET6

The datasheet does not really help here to identify pin 1, since there are 4 markings to see. Anyone has a clue on this? In the previous revision of this datasheet, Pin 1 is bottom left . Already burnt 2 mcus because of this...


Smaller circle, bottom left. The others are molding / ejector related.

ST prints the text in top-to-bottom, left-to-right western form. Held in a readable fashion the Pin 1 designation is down and to the left.


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My expectation is that legitimate parts will have a common VSS bonding, which you could continuity check to confirm orientation expectations.

Could perhaps look for other boards, orientation, where VCC and GND enter, HSE placed, SWDIO/SWCLK and VCAPs (where used)


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This appears to be a regression in rev4 of the DS:



@Imen.D, can you please have a look at this? Thanks.


ST Employee

Hi @waclawek.jan,

All device markings are being removed from the Datasheet and are being moved to the Technical note: Reference device marking schematics for STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors.


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".

Hi @Imen.D ,

Okay, and is/will be there a link/pointer to that document in the datasheets themselves, or is it upon us to spread the gospel?




Muhammed Güler
Senior III

On most ICs, the bottom row of the label contains the first pin.

Which is great advice until it's not..


You should have a conversation with my pick-n-place guy some day..

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Someone should also have a word with the graphics dept.. about unhelpful imagery


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I've never encountered an IC labeled like this before. Until you showed me this picture, I believed there was a standard for IC naming that I didn't know about.