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STM32F769I-DISCO Using CAN interface over Arduino connector

Associate III


I have a problem with CAN peripheral on this board. I tried the CAN Networking Example from the EVAL board and changed the pin configuration to fit to the Arduino connector.

I found some possible pin configurations:

CAN1_RX on PA11 -> D10

CAN1_TX on PA12 -> D13

CAN1_RX on PB8 -> D15

CAN1_TX on PB9 -> D14

I added an external transceiver from Waveshare ( and tried every possible pin configuration.

The problem is, that there is no signal on the receive pin, so there is no acknowledgement on the physical bus. If I set the CAN peripheral to Loopback mode, then the messages are transmitted, otherweise I will get an error.

The bus termination is correctly set with 2x 120 Ohm resistors on the ends.

The transceiver board is powered from the Arduino connector. I tried 3,3V (because it's a 3,3V transceiver) and 5V (transceiver is 5V tolerant), but there is no difference.

I'm using STM32CubeIDE v1.8.0 and STM32F7 MCU Package v1.16.2 (newest).

Does anyone have such issues with this board or any recommendations to solve this?

Associate III

Hey guys, thanks a lot for your ideas!

I found another transceiver and now it works. The IC on the transceiver board from Waveshare has some issues, it's not working. Now I'm using a mikroBus extension board with an ATA6563 transceiver from Microchip.

So I can say that the pinning is correct, if anyone has some issues with this board.

ST Employee


It seems the module featuring SN65HVD230 transceiver has issues. @Community member​  faced the same issue:

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