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STM32H7 base schematic review

Associate III

I have attached herewith the first iteration of the schematic for my custom stm32 board utilizing the H753ZIT6 MCU.
I would like to clear few doubts regarding 
1) In the nucleo schematic for the same, STM has used F7 MCU for their ST Link interface, should I do the same? or rely on SWD/JTAG for boot and programming.
2) I am evaluating between choosing either JTAG or SWD for my main means of communicating with the IC, should I make provision for both of these on a single connector?
3) If I am choosing not buy the STLINK V3 or V2, what do I need to take care of, from both a hardware and software point of view?
4) The oscillators chosen are: TSX-3225_24.0000MF20G-AC0 for HSE and CM8V-T1A-32.768k-9pF-20PPM-TB-QA for LSE. Is their respective circuitry correct and in general the chosen oscillators right? I read the AN2867 guide but most of the recommended oscillators were over-budget for my specific project. 

This is my first time ever being involved in hardware design, so if any common mistake is found, please let me know.
Thank You




Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> 1) In the nucleo schematic for the same, STM has used F7 MCU for their ST Link interface, should I do the same?

If you want to have a ST-LINK available for your product, provide a connector for external ST-LINK (or other adapter such as J-Link), or mount a suitable ST-LINK v3 onto your board. You cannot just use a normal STM32F7 because the firmware for ST-LINK is not available to you. For the external clock (HSE) - better use a normal crystal or oscillator. 

2) depends on your requirements. If no requirement - do what is easier (SWD).

3) If I am choosing not buy the STLINK V3 or V2, what do I need to take care of,

Just provide a connector for external adapter (maybe with some UART routed to the debugger VCP).

most of the recommended oscillators were over-budget for my specific project. 

Then correct the budget, before it's too late? By the way. under-estimating the cost is a common beginner mistake )) Always have a safe margin.