2015-05-24 04:36 AM
Hi to all
i want to trigger DMA on MEM2MEM State and use it by fsmc to run an External 12 bit DAC(AD5445) in 50ns Step. is there any way to do that without using interrupt? #dma #memory #fsmc #timer-trigger #mem2mem #stm32f4 #stm32f4 #dma2015-05-24 01:52 PM
To trigger or pace the transfer? For 20 MHz a TIM paced transfer might work in the non-M2M mode, but you'd probably want to clock the part at a multiple of 20 MHz, say 160 MHz or 180 MHz for the 42x devices.
M2M is going to default to transfer as fast as the bus permits, you might be able to tune that via the FSMC settings.2015-05-24 10:48 PM
thanks for reply
you right clive1 ,i read datasheet and found that MEM2MEM can not be triggered. if i want to use timer trigger(Timer 6),DMA will only work in MEM2Periph or Periph2MEM mode. is it possible to transfer data from any place in memory(RAM) to another place of memory(like PSRAM Bank1)? or we can just transfer from a place of memory to a peripheral register who request DMA. sorry for weak english.2015-05-25 06:13 AM