2018-03-23 11:15 AM
I am currently working on STM32F3 discovery board. I want to calculate the number of rising edges that can occur in certain time period. Currently I am doing this by setting up an external interrupt pin and a timer.
At a frequency of about 750khz I am loosing the pulses.
I want to know what is the maximum frequency of the signal that can be given as an input?
Thank You
#general-purpose-timers #gpio #external-interrupt #stm32f3-discovery2018-03-24 1:53 PM
I want to know what is the maximum frequency of the signal that can be given as an input?
The external interrupt will react on pulses with length comparable with the device's clock. The question however is, what is the processing time of your interrupt service routine.
For this purpose, better use a timer in external clock mode.