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STM32CubeIDE (Mac). Problem after upgrading from version 1.15.0 to 1.15.1

Associate II

I use the STM32CubeIDE program on Mac (Version 1.15.0)
The MCU is a STM32H743VIT and its configuration is done from the *.ioc file.
I use ADC3 with an Oversampling of 128.
Its configuration is done by entering 128 for the “Oversampling Ratio” line, and the ADC3 initialization code in the MX_ADC_Init() procedure includes the line:
hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio = 128;

I've just updated to 1.15.1 (with migration), keeping the same files (*.h, *.c, *.ioc).
When I open the *.ioc file, the ADC3 settings contain an error for the Oversampling ration: 128 is in red and I have to put “Oversampling ratio 128x”.
The initialization code generated becomes:
hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio = ADC3_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_128;

No problem a priori, but the code is now compiled with an error:
error: 'ADC3_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_128' undeclared!


Accepted Solutions

Hello @FRAUBRY ,

I confirm the issue indeed I'm able to reproduce this on my side this problem can be clearly avoided by writing value 128 manually to the hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio :
hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio = 128;
thank you for pointing this out.

I reported the issue internally for further investigation.

Internal ticket number: 181495 (This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).

Thank you.

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View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hello @FRAUBRY ,

Are you modifying the .IOC file from the CubeMX extension inside of cubeIDE or directly from CubeMX ?
If you can send the project that you have migrated to examen it will be of great help.


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Hello @STea


I only work with cubeIDE.
I've run a few tests using the same *.ioc file (created with version 1.15.0 or earlier).
When I want to open this file with cubeIDE from the new version 1.15.1, there's a message asking if I want to stay with the old version of CubeMX (V6.11.0) or if I want to migrate to version 6.11.1.
If I stay with the old version, no problem.
If I migrate, then a red cross appears in front of ADC3 (in the Analog section) and in front of ADC_Regular_Conversion_Mode in ADC3 configuration.

See the attached screenshots and my initial *.ioc file.

Hello @FRAUBRY ,

I confirm the issue indeed I'm able to reproduce this on my side this problem can be clearly avoided by writing value 128 manually to the hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio :
hadc3.Init.Oversampling.Ratio = 128;
thank you for pointing this out.

I reported the issue internally for further investigation.

Internal ticket number: 181495 (This is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers).

Thank you.

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Hello @STea,

Thank you for your response and action.

In order to avoid having to modify this line each time I recompile the *.ioc file, I prefered to add in the main.h file:
(After the line /* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */ )



ST Employee

Hello @FRAUBRY ,
This issue is rectified in the new release of CubeMX version 6.12.0 

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